News Porto.

Porto City Hall supports local trade pick-up with 500 thousand euros discount vouchers

The Municipal Executive shall vote a second incentive programme to encourage local, street and traditional trade economic recovery in Porto. The aim of the campaign is to deliver discount vouchers to acceding traders: for each 20 euros buying, the customer gets a 2 euro direct discount. This measure includes restaurants, cafeterias, barber shops and hairdressers. The campaign comes into effect on 3rd May and the municipal investment can amount to as much as 500 thousand euros.

Travel the week with online free activities by Porto Municipal Theatre

Porto Municipal Theatre prepared a special programme for a special time: Easter. Staying at home also means time for fun and joy with loved ones. There are three amazing stories to share with the younger ones and workshops on what artwork really means. These activities are free.

Rui Moreira participates in the first EU University and Culture summit and affirms the key role of culture in the city

Mayor Rui Moreira participated in the EU University and Culture summit, themed “Fostering the Union through Culture and the Arts”. The Mayor highlighted the key role of culture in the development of the city and advanced that “this is the best investment we can make”. The two-day online event kicked off on 29th March and concludes today, 30th March. Follow this link or view it on YouTube. No registration is required.

Asprela Park strengthens ecological infrastructure and drainage systems in Porto

The Parque Central da Asprela features a unique combination of circa 650 new trees and bushes planted and 10 thousand cubic meters of increased water retention capacity, alongside two open air water streams. Asprela Park began to be built in July 2020 and the estimate conclusion deadline is the first quarter of 2022. The project is led by the Municipality of Porto in an investment of 1.64 million euros.

U.Porto sports facilities reopen on 5th April and UPFit online offers new timetables

Bodybuilding gyms and Outdoor classes (limited capacity) comeback on 5th April. The UPFit online programme continues and offers new timetables.

CIIMAR paid internship: applications are ongoing

CIIMAR is looking for the best Sciences and Marine and Ecosystem Biotechnology students to enter a paid internship, under the 8th edition of the Blue Young Talent (BYT) programme. Applications are open till 30th April.

The Mercado do Bolhão is finally starting to tick!

The Bolhão Market construction project is about to enter its conclusion phase. This particular type of restoration work is very much like building watches by hand. Mayor Rui Moreira paid a visit to this meaningful worksite in Porto, where fine tunings and detailed masterpiece works are at the hands of renowned and prized architect Nuno Valentim.

Free virtual tour to Porto Historic Centre, with a 360 degree view

With curfew in place and confinement measures still in the agenda, visiting historic places and museums may be very much seem like wishful thinking. But there are other ways to explore the city landmark sites: accept the invitation by Porto City Hall and tour virtually through Porto Historic Centre, with a 360 degree view. Embark on an interactive virtual tour of Porto Historic Centre, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

Stay healthy and active during confinement with #Treinaemcasa

This Saturday, Mariana Lourenço invites senior citizens to join a twenty minute class that will help you energise your day, providing guidelines to avoid personal injuries. Stay healthy and boost your stamina with the #Treinaemcasa online programme, organised by Ágora.

Time to forge a new plan for the arts for higher education institutions across the EU with the UP

The University of Porto and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU organise the summit themed “Fostering the Union through Culture and the Arts”. The two day online event will be held on 29th March and on 30th March, at 9 am (GMT time). Follow this link or view it on YouTube. No registration is required.