News Porto.

Critical Sofware and BMW get down to business in the city of Porto

The future of cars is already in Porto, and the address is Campo Alegre Street. The company is the Portuguese Critical Software that jointly with the multinational BMW will develop the car of the future. This joint venture between Critical software and BMW, named Critical TechWorks, is shaking up the car industry as pioneer software to be used onboard BMW cars is being produced in Porto.

Welcome autumn in Serralves and bring all the folks

Join the Autumn Festival on 29 and 30 September. An entertainment for all, in the rural area of Serralves Farm. Workshops, walking trails, theatre performances, music shows, installations, and traditional games are some of the activities included in the programme.

Researcher at i3S chairs Nanomedicine Focus Group

The researcher from i3S, in Porto, Bruno Sarmento, and Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery team leader, was recently appointed President of the Nanomedicine Focus Group of the Controlled Release Society.

Concert by Elisa Rodrigues at House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio

Elisa Rodrigues, the revelation singer, will perform at House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio, in the context of the "Jornadas Europeias do Património" [European Heritage Days], on 28 September, at 6 pm. The event is jointly organised by Porto metropolitan Area and Porto City Hall. Admittance is free but subject to room capacity.

Modtíssimo textile expo runs in Porto on 26 and 27 September

The 52nd edition of Modtíssimo textile expo takes place on 26 and 27 September at the Customs Building in Porto. 6 000 visitors are expected at "the oldest textile expo of the Iberian Peninsula", the perfect opportunity to get to know the "standard for quality of made in Portugal products", as stated by the event organiser, Selectiva Moda.

The University of Porto travels to Brazil

The University of Porto (UP) travels to Brazil to take part in the Salão do Estudante 2018 [Student's Fair 2018, free translation]. This is the most significant international Education Fair in Latin America. This event runs from 26 to 30 September.

Porto is pioneer of change with UNESCO Green Citizens at the Biodiversity Gallery

The exhibition "UNESCO Green Citizens: Pioneers of Change" will be on display at the Biodiversity Gallery, in the Botanical Garden in Porto. The exhibit will be on show from 25th September till 6th January 2019.

Professional education is quality education in Porto

In the beginning of the school year, Mayor of Porto wanted to formalise the municipal approach to professional education institutions in the city. The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, accompanied by the Councillor for Education, Fernando Paulo, paid a visit to the Artistic and Professional School Árvore, established in the city historic area in 1989, and a reference school in professional teaching and learning in the city.

Professor of the University of Porto is appointed Associate Editor of the best Industrial Engineering publication

Professor of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering and Computers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), and researcher at the INESC TEC, João Catalão, was recently appointed Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), the best Industrial Engineering publication, according to ISI Web of Science.

Lecture on climate change by Will Steffen at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Will Steffen, a renowned researcher on climate change, will deliver a lecture at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, on 25 December, at 4.30 pm. Entrance is free.