News Porto.

Philharmonic Bands at Casa da Música with bells on this weekend

Philharmonic bands are an essential part of the "Verão é na Casa" [summer is in Casa da Música] programme. This weekend, there are Philharmonic Bands at Casa da Música, featuring groups from different regions in the country, on 28th July.

Porto hosts the Next Generation Internet Forum in September

Technology specialists, government agents, activists and researchers will gather at the Customs Building in Porto, on 13th September, in the context of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Forum.

Doctoral thesis of the University of Porto was elected the best in Europe

The doctoral thesis by Margarida Carvalho, former PhD student in Political Sciences at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) and researcher at INESC TEC, was recognised by the EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award as the best in Europe, in the field of operational research.

Steven Holl delivers a lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University on 25th July

American architect Steven Holl will deliver a lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University (FAUP) on 25th July at 7 pm, in the Faculty's outdoor patio. Holl is considered one of the greatest and most innovative architects of our time and will deliver a talk in Porto in the framework of the 6th edition of the Summer School Porto Academy 2018, promoted by the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University (FAUP).

La Cité du Vin autumn exhibition hosts Porto and the Upper Douro and its Vineyards from 5 October 2018 till 6 January 2019

From 5 October 2018 to 6 January 2019, La Cité du Vin will give prominence to Porto and the Douro Wine Region, in the context of the temporary exhibition "Guest Wine Region, Porto: Douro, an alchemy between air, land and river".

Underground experience with RPMM Festival in Porto

On 28th and 29th July, the city of Porto hosts a "surrealist underground experience", featuring the RPMM Festival at the Customs Building. For two whole days, Porto will be the stage to house and techno music genres. The festival's long term objective is to give prominence not only to international artists, but also to local talent.

New Tourism Office in Santa Catarina Street

A New Tourism Office opened in Santa Catarina Street, next to FNAC store. This service is a partnership of Porto City Hall and Porto Tourism Association. Timetable is from Monday to Saturday, from 11 am to 8 pm, and it will work on Sundays till 15th September.

Casa da Música hosts The Paris Boys Choir concert

The Casa da Música hosts The Paris Boys Choir, on 24th July, at 9 pm. This concert is entrance free, but previous ticket collection is required.

Happy End by Michael Haneke premieres at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 26 July

Happy End (2017), written and directed by Michael Haneke, premieres at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 26th July.

"Days with Energy" Municipal Programme calls on wellbeing alfresco

The "Days with Energy" is a municipal project aimed at promoting physical activity and raising awareness on the importance of staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. Be it Pilates, yoga or tai-chi sessions, the municipal programme provides a whole weekend of working out and inhaling the nature's fresh air. Participation in the sessions is free, the only requirement is the use of comfortable equipment.