News Porto.

Why you must visit Porto before the year ends, according to Condé Nast Traveler Spain

Porto stands out as a must-go destination this year, according to Condé Nast Traveler Spain. This "class publication" magazine lists the main reasons why Porto should be included in your travel schedule.

Galeria Municipal opens "Them or us!"

"Them or Us!" is a display of a collective science fiction, social and political project that draws on the impact of fear and intolerance. It opens June 2nd at Galeria Municipal do Porto, starting at 9.30 pm.

French corporation "Webhelp" settles in Porto and creates 350 jobs

"Webhelp was easily established in Porto", affirmed Benoist Voidie, Webhelp's local manager. This is the newest example of "this consistent work required to attain positive operating results for the city of Porto", Mayor Rui Moreira declared.

Summer agenda at Casa da Música

June 1st marks the beginning of the "Verão na Casa" at Casa da Música. This years's Casa da Música Programming includes 120 concerts, half of which are free, from June 1st to September 16th.

Euro Hockey Club Challenge III Women at Sports Group of Viso

Viso field hockey hosts the European competition Club Challenge III Women, from 1 to 4 June. This sports event will gather teams from Lithuania, Croatia, Sweden, Poland and Denmark, in a total of 180 athletes.

Foreign investment inflows continue to increase in Porto

Porto is increasingly the destiny of choice for foreigners that wish to settle in Porto and to start a business. The top reasons for choosing the city of Porto are safety and the new connection lines and entry on the market of new air companies, connecting Porto to the rest of the world.

National Museum Soares dos Reis sponsors a Renaissance style "Game Jam"

Picture a videogame based on the 16th century navigation systems. Then, head to National Museum Soares dos Reis (MNSR), in Porto, which coincides with the exhibition "Global City- Lisbon in the Renaissance" and get ready to be "jammed".

"Design by Porto, Porto by Design"exhibition opens to the public May 30, at Edifício dos Correios

The exhibition "Design by Porto, Porto by Design: 4 years of design of Porto City Hall", opens to the public, May 30, starting at 7 pm at Palácio dos Correios.

Porto and design - the visual composition by reputed European designers

Three reputed European designers, main speakers at the ED Awards 2017 Master Conference, which took place in Rivoli, May 27, took on the challenge to encapsulate the quintessence of design and the city of Porto.

14th edition of "Serralves em Festa" brings contemporary art to Porto

Contemporary circus, a Terry Riley concert and 50 hours non-stop of different artistic manifestations, are included in the 14th edition programming of "Serralves in Festa", themed "Quebrar muros", which will take place on June 2, 3 and 4.