News Porto.

Adapt and adjust your weekend to this winter style: cold and pandemic

The weekends are under Covid-19 restrictions still, as the pandemic rages society; however, keeping fit and mentally sane is everything, and there are some nice options to follow when it comes to finding a suitable Sunday leisure programme. Take some cues by “Porto.”.

Criatório 5th edition deadline application is on 12th January

The Criatório deadline application is on 12th January, until 6pm. This is the 5th edition of the municipal programme, which started on 16th December and will award 25 grants worth 15 thousand euros; as follows: 15 in the artistic creation category and 10 for programming spaces.

Full rehabilitation works of the Pergola and railing at Foz commence on 11th January

The balustrade, the ramparts and the staircases of the landmark structure of the Pergola da Foz, facing the Atlantic, in Porto, will be rehabilitated. The works advance this coming Monday, and follow the renovation works the Municipality of Porto commenced a little less than two years ago, when the seaside covered walkway facing the Atlantic, in Porto, was restored by the Municipality. Works are estimated to conclude in the end of May.

Meet the queen of winter flowers, the camellia

Winter is harsh and temperatures are dropping, which makes it even more appealing to set the tone for an early spring, and what other than the perfect queen of winter flowers, the camellia to add some warm to the season? Take your tips from Porto Municipal Environment team.

An invitation for Saturday

Morning concerts with Porta-Jazz are on at the Quintal (aka yard), on Saturdays, before curfew. Time to nourish the soul as Bernardo Tinoco and Antón Iglesias join on stage; also invited are the musicians Miguel Meirinhos and Demian Cabaud. The goal of this project is to “find a common space between different languages and approaches to music, by these four musicians”, as informed by the association.

Porto City Hall joins urban tree health European Project

Porto City Hall joined the UrbanMycoServe European project to develop innovative ways to protect urban trees in the city of Porto, namely by using wild mushrooms (aka ectomycorrhizal), which will help care for the urban forest.

Reading and storytelling programme “Sábados a Contar” is back at the BMAG

This January, the storytelling cycle “Sábados a Contar” is back to the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library (BMAG). Sessions restart this 9th January, at 11am and continue until the end of the month, also featuring a theme workshop at the end of each session.

Happy hour at the municipal pools in Porto

The REMUPI, the Municipal Network of pools managed by Ágora, maintains its happy hour during the afternoon, for the 2020/2021 season, this time with discounts of circa 50%.

“Qui a tué mon père” premières at São João National Theatre

The Teatro Nacional São João (TNSJ) takes to the stage the national premiere of the work “Qui a Tué Mon Père” [“Quem Matou o Meu Pai”. In Portuguese], this 7th and 8th January, at 7pm. The performance was especially designed as a theatre play by the novelist Édouard Louis, in 2018.

Municipal contingency plan for cold wave has been activated and will remain in place in Porto

The Municipality of Porto has activated its contingency plan for extreme weather conditions affecting the homeless and the most vulnerable population in the city of Porto. The plan is in place as of 30th December 2020 and the response is coordinated with the Emergency Temporary Shelters and the solidarity restaurants for the homeless. These measures are appropriate to the needs, and there is still availability to accommodate more people. These facilities house 23 people, for the time being.