News Porto.

Field Hospital patient number one was discharged yesterday after 25 days

Field Hospital Porto. has already treated 27 patients infected with Covid-19; 9 out of those 27 were discharged. After 25 days in the hospital, patient number one was discharged from the Field Hospital set up at Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota.

Following testing to nursing homes in Porto, the city prepares visits to the elderly ensuring optimal safety

Confinement measures in nursing homes in Porto were key to the good results presented today by Rui Moreira's Municipal Executive, which revealed that out of five thousand tests, only 1.4% showed infection by Covid-19. It is now time to organize controlled visits to the senior citizens, in optimal safety conditions, namely by offering protective equipment to visitors.

Porto Municipal Theatre announces research programme for the city's artists

Porto Municipal Theatre just launched a research programme for artists in the city of Porto, which envisages that circa 11 artists will be allocated 3 thousand euros, in the fields of dance, theatre, performance, contemporary circus, cross-sectional studies, writing and reflexion in the performing arts. Applications should be submitted till 18th May, at 6pm.

Town's Public Cabinet (re)opens face-to-face service starting today, 11th May and with prior appointment

The Townsman Office resumes face-to-face service upon prior appointment, starting on 11th May. This may happen only when the request for that service is duly reasoned and when distance service is not possible (by phone or online), as the Townsman Office is working on a teleworking regime, since 16th March and online customer service is the best means to contact the Townsman Office.

The Portuguese stages of the 2020 Vuelta a España have been cancelled. Sprint stage 15 would pass in Porto

The municipalities of Porto, Matosinhos and Viseu and Unipublic, the organiser of La Vuelta 2020, have announced that the Portuguese stages are cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bombarda cultural entertainment is back in digital format this Saturday

While the current pandemic asks for restraining measures and prevents exhibitions from opening, street liveliness of Porto Arts quarter will be brought to everyone's homes, by municipal company Ágora, on a digital format.

Porto Municipal Gallery reopens on 2nd June with rescheduled exhibitions

Porto Municipal Gallery will reopen on 2nd June with "Masks", curated by João Laia and Valentinas Klimasauskas, and "Apesar de não estar, estou muito" by Diogo Jesus, curated by João Ribas.

Municipal Support Fund for investment and economic development in Porto budgeted at 315 thousand euros

The strengthened support by Porto City Hall to all sectors of society, civil and business affected by the current pandemic includes the establishment of a Municipal Support Fund for investment and economic development, budgeted at 315 thousand euros.

Direct procurement to artists in Porto with the project "Aquisições"

The project "Aquisições", which reactivated the Municipal Art Collection in Porto, features the possibility to direct procurement of artwork by artists of Porto, up to the maximum value of 2.000 euros, between 14th and 27th May.

Conditioned traffic in Porto Atlantic Avenues on weekends

The Municipality of Porto will make access by car to Atlantic boulevards Montevideu, Brasil, Dom Carlos I and Rua do Coronel Raúl Peres conditional. This measure will be implemented starting tomorrow, 9th May, between 2pm and 7pm Saturday, and between 9am and 7pm Sunday.