News Porto.

This Saturday and Sunday exercising takes place en plein air

This Saturday and Sunday exercising takes place en plein air! Activities such as Pilates, Yoga, Tai chi and the Rose Method will take to the public parks in the city. Participation is free, but prior registration is mandatory.

Porto City Hall was granted the Prestigious Award by the Liga Portugal

The Portuguese League for Professional Football presented the Prestigious Award to the City Hall of Porto during the event that marked the starting up of the new football season. This prize distinguishes an entity for its contribution to football.

The Museu da Cidade gives you the big picture on punk in Porto

The Museu Gráfico Cabinet provides a big picture on punk aesthetics and the "do-it-yourself" as regards fanzines from Porto, from the 1980’s until our time. The exhibition will be on display until 15 August. Entrance is free.

Drive-thru in Queimódromo is now operational to fast-track vaccination process

Although it started slow, it is consistent with its mission: to inoculate as many people as possible per day. The estimated number of shots per day is two thousand.

Dramatículos by Samuel Beckett, takes to the stage at Rivoli

Rivoli hosts the performance “Dramatículos” staged by Renata Portas, artistic director of the company “Público Reservado”, on 8, 9 and 10 July, at 7.30 pm. On stage, Pedro Manana, Pedro Damião, Cláudia Lázaro and Sílvia Santos will deal with such issues as the human condition and the notion of decay, based on the works by Samuel Beckett.

Pedro and Diogo Costa sail out to Tokyo with the support of Porto and the Atlantic Front

The Sailor brothers from Porto are about to sail out to Japan, where they will compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Sailors Pedro and Diogo Costa thanked the support of all the municipalities of the Atlantic Front. “It is a source of pride for all those that like water sports”, enhanced the Mayor of Porto City Hall.

Night trip with our little friends the bats, in Porto’s green spaces. Apply here

Between the months of July and October, from Friday to Saturday, those interested in getting to know the lives and habits of these mammals, which are actually more manoeuvrable than birds, as they fly with their very long spread-out digits covered with a thin membrane. This will be an experience for the books. Entrance is free but application is mandatory.

Have a glass of wine and enjoy your film!

In two years’ time, the Palacete Silva Monteiro will turn into a landmark cultural venue. At present, the Seventeenth century building, which is the headquarters of the Viticulture Commission of the Vinhos Verdes Region (CVRVV) will deliver magical sunsets in its gardens with an amazing cinema cycle with thoroughly selected films that will uplift your summer.

Municipal Executive votes the call for proposals that will set up Supervised Drug consumption Rooms in Porto

The Municipal Executive will consider the opening of the calls to the supervised drug consumption rooms, during the next Executive meeting on 12 July, to give way to the setting up of a removable supervised consumption space.

Roger Ballen’s unique artwork goes on display at the Portuguese Photography Centre, in Porto

The prison cells of the former Prison and Court of Appeal in Porto will host, between 10 July and 10 October, the original work by the New Yorker photographer Roger Ballen. Entrance is free.