News Porto.

Don’t cut off distractions and head to the Bombarda Arts District on Saturday

A new cycle of Inaugurações Simultâneas [Simultaneous Openings] at Miguel Bombarda District is back on 3 July. Starting at 4pm, art galleries open doors and welcome everyone to experience art in person. Some galleries will present new exhibitions, while others will extend the exhibitions on display. All events are access free, but subject to pandemic constraints. A virtual guided tour through the numerous contemporary art exhibitions, which will be streamed on Ágora’s Facebook, at 5 pm.

Card Porto. offers free transport and discounts in the city from 13 - 18 years of age

People aged between 13 and 18 years old, who do not have the “Andante 13-18” transport ticket, can load an "Andante 3Z Porto." subscription, of the public transport Andante network, at no charge, and with added benefits of the Porto. card, such as discounts and perks in different equipment in the city. The loading of subscriptions runs from 1 July to 31 August.

Porto University Choral Society Annual Soirée happens on 3 July

Porto University Choral Society performs its 78th Annual Soirée on 3 July, at 6 pm, at the Círculo Católico de Operários do Porto. All artistic groups that are part of the Orfeão (Choral Society) will take to the stage to present their cultural and ethnographic work variation to the Academia and to the city.

Sábados a Contar at the Almeida Garrett Library: parents welcome it and children are delighted

The initiative “Sábados a Contar” means a July bright beginning as far as kids educational and fun activities are concerned. Reading sessions are aimed at children aged 3 and 6 and take place at the Sala de Leitura Infantojuvenil, aka Youth Literature Reading Room at the BMAG, for the “Hora do Conto”, till the end of the month.

Fonoteca Municipal do Porto promotes a cycle of talks this July

Along with its musical patrimony, the Fonoteca Municipal do Porto (FMP) aka Porto Audio Room offers two public events this month of July, to bring people closer to the contemporary culture and the Fonoteca’s large acquis. The first event kicks off on 9 July and the second happens on 25 July. Access is free, and both events take place between 5 pm and 6 pm. Prior application is mandatory (up to two per person) due to space availability, via email

Ping! Incursion programme addresses Botanic at the BMAG

The next event in the scope of Ping! Incursion programme, promoted by the Porto Municipal Gallery happens between 1 and 3 July. The theme programme is “Gineceu & Estigma”, and focuses on the knowledge on the Botanical universe and new perspectives that arise in the sector, namely gender, politics and nature.

Residents of the neighbourhood of Tapada organise visit to help identify rehabilitation solutions

The Residents Association of The Bairro da Tapada has invited the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira to visit the neighbourhood, in the Fontainhas area. The visit took place this week, and councillor for Housing, Social Cohesion and Education, Fernando Paulo, and the administrators of Domus Social, Filipa Melo and João Sendim, also joined the visit and shared a “grilled Sardine” meal of São Pedro, offered by the Resident’s Association.

Students’ residences by BigCity Asprela will enhance student housing in Porto

In July 2022, the number of available student residence units will reaffirm the city as a housing hub. The BigCity Asprela, a 30 million euros investment by BigCity and Reditum Capital, will bring 241 beds to the city, in an area of 10.850 square metres.

Von Kleist’s ‘The Duel’ takes to the stage at Theatre Carlos Alberto

Written by one of the great master German playwrights, Heinrich von Kleist, ‘The Duel’ accounts for the story of a virtuous woman slandered by a nobleman”, a topic that fascinated Von Kleist: the fact that innocent people would be ostensibly punished despite being innocent.

Municipal advisors agree that TAP does not operate in the region and claim support to attract foreign operators

The joint meeting of the Municipal Councils for Tourism and Economy was held on 30 July, at the Rivoli, and on the agenda was, among other topics, the role of air transport in the city.