News Porto.

Second Shuttle tender is ongoing until 4 June

The municipal programme Shuttle second tender for 2021 accommodates applications until 4 June, by artists, authors and cultural agents based in Porto. The main goal of this project is to boost the internationalisation of the contemporary artistic scene of Porto, by financing logistic and production expenses as regards the international promotion of shows.

Nazim Ahmad, Ismaili Imamat’s Representative in Portugal was welcomed by Rui Moreira

Nazim Ahmad, Ismaili Imamat’s Representative in Portugal was welcomed at Casa do Roseiral, by Mayor of Porto Rui Moreira.

The Water Pavilion raises awareness on the natural environment by organising a river clean-up action

The Water Pavilion raises awareness on the natural environment by organising a clean-up of the Tinto River, a tributary of the Douro River. The initiative is held on 28 May, at 10.30 am and it is open to everyone who wishes to take part. The river watchmen of Águas e Energia do Porto will also participate in the event. Previous registration is mandatory.

Porto Municipal Assembly unanimously adopted the strengthening of the rent support programme with a further 1 million euros

The Municipal Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution to strengthen the budget to the municipal programme Porto Solidário with a further 1 million euros, yesterday evening, on 24 May. Porto City Hall is a pioneer of such measure, which has been in effect since 2014, and currently other municipalities have been implementing the same measure.

Open Scientific Repository of the U.Porto is the most comprehensive in Portugal and the 43rd in the world

The 11th edition of "Transparent Ranking of Repositories" puts the Open Repository of the University of Porto as the most comprehensive at national level and ranks it 43rd at world level. The repository holds and provides research output by the scientific and academic community of the U. Porto of more than 50 thousand full-text documents, which are available in online databases on the Internet and can be accessed freely and instantly.

Electric charging stations are set up and running in Porto

Porto already provides 12 electric charging stations (PCE) for automobiles, in eight different locations within the municipality. This measure is part of the municipal strategy to promote an increasingly less polluting city. Ten spots are already in place, out of 15 estimated charging stations.

Magician from Miragaia wins Best Webby Magician in the United States

When in doubt, just look closer or accept that it is simply magic! This could very well be the way Helder Guimarães, the magician from Miragaia, in Porto, conquered the title Best Webby Magician in the United States of America. In about six months and 250 sessions, Hélder Guimarães had been viewed by circa 14 thousand people and had won around one million dollars. The magician from Miragaia, Porto, was granted the prize “Best narrative experience in the virtual and remote event area”.

It is reset time and it starts in Porto: WOMEX 2021 applications are now open

WOMEX 2021 applications are open. The most relevant music support and development projects event in the global music scene - the World Music Expo – will be held in Porto, an absolute debut in the country, between 27 and 31 October. WOMEX will introduce thousands of music makers and music lovers from over 90 countries, in the Invicta.

Porto joins the Xacobeo celebrations and hosts historic regatta in July 2022

Porto will be one of the last landing points during the Iacobus Maris regatta, which features 3400 nautical miles and sailboats that will recreate the voyage of the Apostle Santiago’s body from Israel to Galicia, Spain.

STCP increases services as of today

STCP- Porto Bus Company, enforces service supply on working days, starting today, 24 May. The company stated in a news release that the high demand enforces this measure, as the usual number of passengers that travel by bus is returning to similar numbers before the pandemic, as a result of the easing of the lockdown measures.