News Porto.

Porto Atlantic Front to host Porto Finn Gold Cup between 5 and 12 May

Porto Finn Gold Cup 2021 gathers 80 sailors of the World Olympic Sailing Classes Championship. Besides granting the title of Finn World Champion, the race that will take to the beaches of Porto, Matosinhos and Vila Nova de Gaia, will also assign the last places to the Olympics in Tokyo, from 5 to 12 May.

Porto extends organic waste collection to 60% of the population

Today, International Earth Day, the campaign Porto Orgânico kicks off in the city of Porto with the outlining goal of extending the selective collection of organic waste in Porto housing areas. This programme incorporates approximately 60% of the city’s population, and the collection of circa 7 thousand tons/year of organic waste.

All good things come in threes at the Clérigos Tower

The good news is that Clérigos Tower and Museum, which were closed until the end of January to complete improvement works, will open doors as of May. Another piece of good news is that upon purchase of a ticket, the institution offers a free one. And also, there are new contents to explore. Welcome back!

ping! kick starts on 29th April at Porto Municipal Gallery

The Incursion Programme to the Gallery ping! is the new education project by Porto Municipal Gallery that provides workshops, debates, tours, visits, interpretative paths and movie sections throughout the coming months.

Mobile waste container for hazardous waste is on the street

The Municipality of Porto and Lipor will start to collect hazardous urban waste that was not allowed into waste bins thus far, namely dye waste and solvents, CD’s and DVD’s, and cork stoppers. The new mobile waste container is placed in the recycling yards of Antas and Prelada. In line with the sustainability policies of the Municipality of the city, Porto Ambiente will be able to guarantee the handling of such hazardous waste in the Invicta.

Solidarity restaurants served 150 thousand meals in 2020

The network of solidarity restaurants implemented by Porto City Hall currently serves circa 580 meals a day. This number is gradually increasing since the last review in January. This is a sign of the crisis that led to the preparation of 150 thousand hot meals in 2020, by the three solidarity restaurants that are operating in Porto.

Catholic University in Porto paves the way for the construction of a Portuguese cosmetic manufacturing plant

The way may be paved for the construction of a cosmetic manufacturing plant in Porto, and along with it the creation of circa 200 qualified jobs, says Amyris Inc CEO John Melo. The project is called Alchemy and is placing Porto among the most innovative cities in Europe. The Alchemy project is a collaboration between the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University and Amyris Bio Products Portugal.

Porto Solidário extends support to another 400 households

Out of the 747 received applications under the 9th edition of the Porto Solidário municipal programme 419 applications have been approved. One hundred more since the programme has been launched, in the end of February. This programme is targeted at granting economic support to economic vulnerable households regarding house rent or purchase. The Municipality is strengthening the initial funding of this edition so as to include all the applications received.

Rui Moreira presents opening remarks on behalf of Porto at the R&T Conference

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira presented welcoming remarks during the R&T Conference Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Defence that is held, this year, under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event was scheduled to take place in Porto, but took to the virtual format due to the ongoing pandemic.

CIIMAR continues to build its globally recognised cyanobacteria collection for more than 30 years

The past 13th April saw the celebrations of the 30 years that the LEGE-CC collection of cyanobacteria and microalgae started at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Maritime and Environmental Investigation (CIIMAR). Recognised globally, the LEGE-CC collection features over 1200 samples of cyanobacteria and microalgae, with a technological interest.