News Porto.

Open applications to Porto City Hall support programme to local businesses

The Municipal programme to support local businesses through the ongoing pandemic starts on 3 May; however, traders who wish to have access to this range of local support measures can apply as of today.

Get ready for the first days of the DDD Festival, on 20 and 21 April

These are the DDD first programming days that are set to propel you to fascinating performances and animated shows. The first to be scheduled is the premiere BATE FADO, by Jonas&Lander, at Rivoli. What do tapping and singing the Fado have in common? That is precisely what you will discover on 20th April, at 7 pm. Check out the first days of the DDD Festival in Porto, available on stage and at home. A hybrid programming that is meant to suit all audiences.

Health Centres in Eastern Porto request all beneficiaries to update data

The Health Centres in Porto Oriental (ACES) have launched a campaign to request that beneficiaries keep details updated, in order to make the Covid-19 vaccine appointment more effective.

Riding waves at Praia Internacional do Porto this May

The third round of the Liga Meo Surf 2021, a qualifying stage for the National Championship happens in Porto and in Matosinhos on 7, 8 and 9 May. This northern round, which was renamed Joaquim Chaves Saúde Porto Pro, is running for 16 straight seasons.

Campo Alegre Botanic Park in Porto: 13 hectares of sheer feel good space

Campo Alegre Botanic Park, in Porto, offers circa 13 hectares of sheer feel good space, crowned with varied tree species and flowers. This is another fresh take within the green spaces the city of Porto abundantly offers. And we could all use some added wellness. Enjoy!

Swift transport to vaccination sites under the Protocol between Porto City Hall and Taxi companies

This weekend, 17th and 18th April, non-teaching and teaching staff of lower secondary and secondary education will be vaccinated against the new coronavirus. Those who have been summoned to take the vaccine can opt to travel by taxi, under the protocol established between the Municipality of Porto and the Taxi companies operating in the city, in order to avoid traffic constraints.

Six galleries in Porto display collective exhibition to demonstrate why galleries play an important role in society

Mayor Rui Moreira visited the collective exhibition, alongside Guilherme Blanc, who also participated in the project while responsible for the department of Contemporary Art and Cinema, and were joined by the commissioner of the project, Miguel von Hafe Pérez, touring the galleries included in the collective exhibition themed “Situação 21”.

Startup incubated in UPTEC raises five million euros in pre-seed funding

The startup incubated in UPTEC, Coverflex managed to secure the biggest investment round ever during the pre-seed funding, which is an early funding round in which investors provide a startup business with capital to develop its product. One of the goals of such project is to “change the way companies and workers view compensations beyond salaries”, as well as “increasing team retention”, writes Dinheiro Vivo, quoting coverflex’s news release.

Retailers celebrate Mother’s Day with customised gifts and treats

Mother’s Day is just around the corner; the date is marked on 2nd May and Porto City Hall is launching a campaign to support retail trading celebrate the date with customised gifts and treats, such as postcards, cards and customised wrappings that are also crosswords.

Short term loan of Aurélia de Sousa’s self-portrait to a temporary exhibition at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The Ministry of Culture and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation requested a loan of the work “Santo António”, by Aurélia de Sousa, to Porto City Hall. This portrait is part of the collection of the Museu da Cidade (Casa Marta Ortigão Sampaio) and is to be displayed in the temporary exhibition themed “Tudo o que eu quero – Artistas portuguesas de 1900 a 2020”.