News Porto.

Open Call funding of 70 thousand euros available for boosting the city’s entrepreneurial ecosystem

The 5th edition of the ScaleUp Porto Open Call is fully innovation, technology and entrepreneurship driven and there are 70 thousand euros to fund related activities in Porto. Applications are open until 7th May.

“Nets of Hyphae” exhibition book is launched today at Porto Municipal Gallery

“Nets of Hyphae” is also the name of the book that follows the same name display authored by Diana Policarpo and curated by Stefanie Hessler, on show at Porto Municipal Gallery, will be launched today, 9th April, at 6 pm. Participation is free, but previous registration is required.

The 7 Samurai have been announced: meet the WOMEX Jury members

WOMEX - The World Music Expo, which takes to Porto between 27th and 31st October, announced the jury of its 27th edition, also known as “Seven Samurais”. The group will actually have eight independent jurors that will be responsible for the curatorship of showcases and conferences of the most relevant musical and development projects in the global music scene.

DDD Festival is back “On Stage/At Home” and spotlights dance and national artists

The DDD – Days of Dance Festival 2021 kick starts on 20th April, with a full agenda of 22 performances, out of which 16 are world premieres or national productions, and out of the 11 coproduction, six are from the Northern Region. “The focus is on national artists” and to them Mayor Rui Moreira expressed words of thanks and gratitude “for the tremendous spirit of resistance, resilience and adaptability”.

Architect from Porto is shortlisted among the 40 Under 40 European Best

Maria João Andrade designed a House in the Douro Valley and a haemodialysis unit, projects that elevated her to the winners’ list of the 40 Under 40 European Best, in the scope of the European Architecture and Design Awards 2020. She is also the only national architect to be shortlisted.

You are invited to the cultural delights of the Museu da Cidade in Porto

The phased lifting of lockdown measures provides the opportunity to explore the city of Porto in a whole new manner, by visiting the exhibitions organised by the Museu da Cidade. Check into Porto and make a beeline to the various exhibitions of the Museu da Cidade, some of which are free to Porto. card holders.

Fairs and non-food markets to reopen in Porto

In line with the easing of the measures to fight Covid-19, which started on 5th April, fairs and non-food markets are to reopen in Porto, by decision of the Municipality of Porto, to whom the Government delegated decision powers. This measure is effective immediately and it does not include the Feira da Vandoma and the Feira do Cerco.

HIV/Aids Mobile Unit screening actions in Porto this April

The HIV/AIDS Mobile Unit screening actions for this month of April are already available. The CAD VIH/SIDA Porto (Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/SIDA do Porto), which is the Counselling Centre for the earlier HIV/AIDS diagnosis features monthly free planning regarding HIV/AIDS screening actions, in various locations in Porto. There is no need for previous registration. See here the dates, times and locations for this month.

Porto marks World Health Day with a campaign to boost a healthy life

Today, 7th April, is World Health Day and the Municipality of Porto marks this day with a campaign that raises people’s awareness to the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Cultura em Expansão launches website and free online programming

“Uma Coisa Longínqua” by Teatro de Ferro, “Princesa Bruxa” by Ricardo Alves and Mariana Amorim, “Cortes do Porto” by Rui Catalão, “And so...? The end!” by Mariana Tengner de Barros and “Memoratório... do usado e preservado Grupo Musical de Miragaia” by the Confederação and Tânia Dinis are the shows on display at the new Cultura em Expansão website.