News Porto.

Three concerts precede the program of the Porta-Jazz Festival scheduled for 7 and 8 December at Rivoli

Seventh edition of the Porta-Jazz festival at the Rivoli on December 7 and 8. Tomorrow, November 30, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, the programme opens a week earlier with the Abe Rábade Trio.

King of Spain congratulates Rui Moreira for the transformation of Porto. Mayor handed the King the keys to the city

"Porto was invictus in the past, and it is victorious in the future", said the King of Spain when concluding his first speech in Portugal, during the State Visit today in Porto. The monarchs were received by the President of the Republic in Avenida dos Aliados and afterwards by the Mayor Rui Moreira at the Town Hall.

The first of December the city lights up for Christmas

The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony will be on December 1. The Xmas tree will remain lit until January 8 of next year, and will be lit everyday at 5:30 pm. The ceremony will take place in the Avenida dos Aliados, by the city's Christmas tree, in front of the City Hall.

Green Project Awards ceremony in January in Porto

The Green Project Awards ceremony will be for the first time hosted in the city of Porto. On January 23, in Serralves, the 9th edition winners of Green Project Awards will be presented, in a co-organized ceremony by Porto City Hall and Lipor.

Felipe VI and Letizia begin state visit to Portugal Monday in Porto

The Kings of Spain will come to Portugal next week. The monarchs will be hosted by Portugal's President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The visit begins Monday in Porto, with a solemn ceremony in the Town Hall and includes a lunch (Tuesday) with businessmen, offered by the mayor, Rui Moreira.

Water Pavilion set for renovation works

The Pavilhão da Água will undergo remodeling works begining next week to improve the building's infrastructure. The "new" Water Pavilion will have a completely renovated concept.

Alumia is the new culture programme for the Historic Centre

Is light able to transform space? To revive heritage? Can a granitic grey city celebrate its historic centre with light? After culture programmes Manobras and Locomotiva, Porto Historic Centre is once more the intervention and inspiration area for the Alumia programme promoted by Porto City Hall, to be developed from December 2016 and June 2017.

Happy Holidays in Porto with extensive holiday events

Porto Christmas Tree will be lit for the first time on Thursday, December 1, at Aliados, in front of the City Hall building at 5 pm. The city will also be twinkling with Christmas lights lining through the streets.

Porta-Jazz features Mariana Vergueiro

Next Saturday, November 26, Mariana Vergueiro will be the guest of the Porta-Jazz weekly concert, starting at 7:00 pm. at the Association of Jazz Musicians of Porto, located on the fourth floor of the building A Lutuosa de Portugal (number 168 of Avenida dos Aliados). This event is supported by the City Hall of Porto.

More than 3600 jobs available tomorrow at the International Job Fair

On November 25, Porto will host the International Job Fair, an international event targeted at Erasmus students and endorsed by the Porto City Hall, at the Hard Club Café. The event is organized by Talent Portugal in partnership with Erasmus Student Network Porto and takes place between 10 am and 8 pm.