News Porto.

Franz Ferdinand bring the Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action, to the North Music Festival in 2019 in Porto

The Scottish indie rock band, Franz Ferdinand will head the programming on 25 May 2019, the second day of the North Music Festival in the city of Porto.

Porto/Post/Doc 5th Edition is all about the journey on reality cinema

The Porto/Post/Doc Festival brings the world in film, once again, featuring fiction that represents reality from Russian nationalism and Peruvian ethnography to Transsexuality in Brazil and prostitution in Japan. The festival kicked-off on 24 November and concludes on 2 December.

A Christmas party for everyone in Porto kicks off on 1 December

From 1 December till 6 December, the city of Porto will be dressed up in merry colours for the festive season. Streets and squares will transform into sheer joy as lighting and caroling will wrap everyone's hearts into the values of humanity and solidarity.

Samsung platform certification by the University of Porto

The Competence Centre on Cybersecurity and Privacy of the University Of Porto (C3P), based at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), contributed to the Samsung Knox certification alongside the National Security Office.

Porto hosts IV European Congress on Jewellery

The IV European Congress on Jewellery, themed on Centres and Peripheries in European Jewellery from Antiquity to 21st Century, will be held in Porto, at the School of Arts of the Catholic University of Porto, on 29 and 30 November.

Via is the show-head at Casa da Música on 13 December

Following her tour in Porto, with a sold out concert at the Cinema Passos Manuel, Via announces her most significant performance to date, at Casa da Música, on 13 December.

"Holodomor" or Famine: Ukraine 1932-1933 - the Genocide of the Ukrainian People"

"Holodomor" or Famine: Ukraine 1932-1933 - the Genocide of the Ukrainian People" is the title of the exhibition on display at the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, located at Carlos Alberto Square, till 15 December. Entrance free.

Mohamed El Khatib features art and theatre wrapped in daily life

Finir en Beauté and C'est la Vie by Mohamed El Khatib will go on stage at Palco do Auditório at Campo Alegre, on 6 and 7 December, at 8.30 pm and a double session at 8.30 and at 9.30 pm, on Friday.

The University of Porto has officially launched the U-bike project

The University of Porto has officially launched the U-bike project. The U-bike Portugal Project is cofinanced by the Operational programme for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources (PO SEUR), Portugal 2020 and the European Union, through the Cohesion Fund. In order to keep the right to "ride their" bicycle till the end of the application (6, 9 and 12 months), users will have to ride a minimum 7 km per day with the bike.

The Christmas season will shimmer all over Porto from 1 December till 6 January

Displays of Christmas lights (also known as fairy lights) in public venues and on public buildings are a popular part of the annual celebration of Christmas, and this year is no exception with 59 streets, squares, gardens and city buildings decorated with the charm of Christmas ambiance, from 1 December till 6 January 2019.