News Porto.

Urban Art by AMI Foundation is all over town

The latest edition of "Urban Art in billboards", is all over town in urban billboards, till 17th July. The AMIarte, cultural centre of the AMI Foundation, based in Porto organises this exhibition, themed "Ten years later..." as the project marks its 10th anniversary,

China and Porto develop effective cooperation

Institutional relations between China and Porto were never before as close as they are now, enhancing Exchange opportunities in different areas. Less than a month on from the visit of the Mayor of the city of Porto to China, Porto City Hall welcomed an important delegation from China.

The best national beatboxers compete in Porto on 14th July

The Beatbox National Championship challenge takes place in Porto on 14th July at the Silo Auto Car Park. The 24 best national beatboxers will be in town for a competition that will take the best Portuguese beatboxer to the 5th Beatbox Battle World Championship, on 3rd August, in Berlin.

Obama in Porto calls to action on Climate Change

Barak Obama, the 44th President of the USA was in Porto, on 6th July to share some thoughts on Climate Change, in the context of the first Climate Change Leadership Summit and the Porto Protocol, with a new event scheduled for March 2019.

Works, thoughts and experiences by sculptor Anish Kapoor on display in Serralves till 6 January 2019

"Anish Kapoor: works, thoughts, experiences" is the name of the exhibition by the Indian sculptor, named "India's living legend". The exhibit opened Friday, 6th July 2018 and it will run till 6th January 2019, in the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art. This show also extends to the Park of the Foundation.

Nobel Peace Prize commends Porto Protocol for Climate Change

What can a citizen do to help mitigate Climate Change negative impacts? This a universal matter, nevertheless, the average citizen can also be a part of the solution. This is what Professor Mohan Munasinghe conveyed at the Climate Change Leadership. in Porto, on 6th July.

All that jazz is back in Serralves Park

The 27th edition of the cycle "Jazz in the Park" kicked off on 7th July. Rui Eduardo Paes is in charge of the programme and the cycle for the entire month of July features three concerts, including two international projects and one national performance.

Barack Obama leads campaign on Climate Change in Porto on 6 July

Porto hosts the first phase of a global movement aimed at debating climate change, finding environmental solutions and tackling the negative impact of that change. The kick off happens on July 6th, with the first Climate Change Leadership Conference, which will be held at Coliseu Porto Ageas, in Porto.

Guided tour to the Günter Grass exhibition by writer and translator João Bouza da Costa

Writer and translator João Bouza da Costa offers a guided tour on 7th July to the temporary exhibition "Encontros", devoted to Günter Grass and on show at the House-Museum Guerra Junqueiro.

Researchers from Porto help create interactive game to reduce household energy costs

Researchers from Porto took part in an international project aimed at designing an interactive game that helps users reduce household energy consumption through minor changes in daily routines.