News Porto.

Fonoteca Municipal do Porto delivers delightful playlist on sacral music during the second lockdown

During this second lockdown, accept the invitation by Fonoteca do Porto (Porto Audio Room) and, wile at home, get to know Italian composer Carlo Gesualdo, a sixteenth century composer, who is known for writing intensely expressive madrigals and pieces of sacred music. The Fonoteca do Porto continues to share its passion for music by according on Spotify delightful playlists that intertwine the history of music with contemporary culture.

Management Plan and Governance Model for the Historic Centre of Porto involves active community participation

The project “AtlaS.WH – Atlantic Area Heritage: Sustainability of World Heritage Urban Sites”, led by the city of Porto, by Porto City Hall and by Porto Vivo, SRU, invites the community, visitors and tourists included, to actively participate in the draft of the Management and Sustainability Plan for the “Historic Centre of Porto, Luiz I Bridge and the Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar”.

Rehabilitation works of Agramonte and Prado do Repouso chapels have been concluded

The rehabilitation works of the vaulted ceiling of the chapel at the Agramonte Cemetery and of the chapel at the Prado do Repouso Cemetery, at the Bonfim parish, have been completed. Porto City Hall commenced the rehabilitation works to protect historical buildings, which require extra care and attention to detail, as not to endanger the original features and materials, as historic heritage are our link to the past and bygone eras.

“Desporto para Todos” grants 1 million euros to support clubs and associations

The first phase of the programme “Desporto para Todos” (“Sports for All”, free translation) opens on 5th February. Thus far, the National Sports Programme has supported 1.341 projects.

Forbes spotlights the Douro region as a must-go destination for 2021

It’s time to go beyond and above the pandemic blues and start thinking of must-go places for 2021 (that’s right!). Take cues from Forbes magazine and be marvelled with Douro and its vineyards.

The City Museum’s new website is online and features “Diário da Peste" this evening

The reading of the “Diário da Peste”, by Gonçalo M. Tavares, is broadcasted this evening at Rádio Estação, available on the City Museum new website, online at

Happy birthday Puppet Museum of Porto!

Congratulations to the Puppet Museum of Porto! Today, the Puppet Museum celebrates its 8th anniversary and “even though doors cannot be open to invite everyone in, know that we will be waiting to celebrate together, as puppets do not die”, as sated on the Puppet Museum Facebook page.

Fastest growing demand for digital physiotherapy boosts SWORD Health to hiring in Porto

SWORD Health is to hire in Porto as a result of the increase in demand for digital physiotherapy to replace in-person sessions, owing to the new confinement. SWORD Health, which has been developing this solution since 2015, invested nearly 21 million euros in this platform and is to hire staff to work in its office in Porto.

CIIMAR obtains international quality certification

CIMMAR, the Interdisciplinary Centre of Maritime and Environmental Investigation obtained international recognition by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO 9001 certification puts CIIMAR, the research centre of the University of Porto, among the best institution in the world as regards management and organisation.

The U.Porto is part of the RESET project that furthers gender equality in the scientific field

The University of Porto, alongside other seven European universities, is part of the RESET – project (aka Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together). The purpose of such endeavour is to boost gender equality and diversity within the scientific area of study and research.