News Porto.

Re-Design for Performance debated at the Green Project Awards Conference on 28 June

The transition of the classical industrial model towards a Performance Economy will be the highlight of the next GPA - Green Project Awards Conference, which will be held at the Porto Inova Building, on 28 June, starting at 9 am. The conference is aimed at debating the fundamental change in all the sectors of the manufacturing industries, from the traditional manufacturing model to the functional services production.

Women in Technology Meeting in Porto on 27 June

The city of Porto hosts the second Meeting of women in IT jobs, on 27 June, at the DevScope Auditorium, Partner Company of the event organisation. IAMCP - International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (the largest Microsoft community and network partners), jointly with WIT (Women in Technology) will address the need for inclusiveness of the available potential labour pool in particular the severe under-representation of women in the ICT workforce management positions.

Porto recognised in the area of eliminating physical barriers towards cultural participation

Porto received two Honourable Mentions at the Access Culture Prize 2018, whose fundamental goal is to promote access - physical, social and intellectual - to culture venues and to the cultural offer.

Digital Platform connects companies and universities

The Consortium, comprised by the Universities of Minho and Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, has launched a digital platform to bring closer companies and the academia. This project, titled Balcão, aggregates and combines information on the universities' skills, services and technologies with the Research, Development and Innovation challenges facing both national and international companies.

Porto-China: Bilateral cultural and trade relations blossom

CGTN National Television Channel in China, in collaboration with Portuguese News Channel Porto Canal, hosted a special edition on Economic, Trade Relations and Cultural Exchanges between Portugal, namely Porto and China, which included the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira (on official tour to China), Victor Gao, Vice-President of the Centre for China and Globalization and Wu Jun, Kushun talk Show Host who lives in Porto.

Performance "Fugu" premieres at Rivoli on 30 June to dwell on "Power and Man"

"Fugu" is a performance featured in the context of Trengo - Circus Festival of Porto, at Rivoli, 0n 30 June, at 7 pm. Two clowns live in the world of aristocracy and the power that legitimises it. They savour power as though it were a delicatessen. This is the old dispute between power and Men, a timeless fight that "Fugu" traces through the language of the contemporary clown, a debate that has always existed and will remain in time.

São João was celebrated all over town by happy people

The streets of Porto were filled with joy and excitement to celebrate the Patron Saint, and every plaza and every street corner served dances, broiled sardines, "caldo verde" (Typical Portuguese soup) topped with cascades and happy people.

São João is here! We feast and dance to the tune!

Sweet saturday and inviting weather called for the beginning of celebrations. Check out Mayor Rui Moreira São João tour!

Porto Municipal Gallery features curatorial project on night escape by Carla Filipe and Ulrich Loock

Porto Municipal Gallery features the curatorial project on different ways of living the night, as of 30 June. Artists Carla Filipe and curator Ulrich Loock were invited to develop an exhibit on the social projects in clubs and pubs as an escape from daily life.

São João offers "rusgas" at Aliados at 9.30 pm

As is tradition, tonight at 9.30 pm, Avenida dos Aliados plays host to the popular marches by Porto parishes. As of 9.30 pm, folk groups dance and march throughout the city's main Avenue.