News Porto.

Nocturnal trip for that thrilling feeling in the park

How about spending some free time getting to know bats better? The fourth out of the seven organised evenings to watch up close how these mammals live happens on 6 August at the Parque Oriental. This initiative marks the 30th anniversary of the years of the Agreement for the Conservation of Bats in Europe, under the Bonn Convention.

WOMEX 2021 is on the way to making it all happen and announces new headliners

WOMEX 2021, the World Music Expo, which takes to Porto between 27th and 31st October, is one of the most relevant music support and development projects in the global music scene. Some of the confirmed national artists and bands are Vitorino, Miroca Paris, the duo Lina_Raül Refree and O Gajo, and the Palco Lusofónica also welcomes the Brazilian work by Ayom and Lucas Santtana, the French Lucia de Carvalho, the Sapnish Tanxugueiras and, from Guinea Bissau, the Bandé-Gamboa.

Lots of exciting ways and places to get to know Circus Arts in the Northern Region

The itinerary circus project “De Volta à Praça”, that gathers the great artistic companies of the Coliseu Porto Ageas and the São João National Theatre is travelling the Northern Region of Portugal, featuring performances and puppet workshops during the easing of lockdown, with people, children and adults alike taking to the streets to get to know what circus magic really means. The cycle concludes in Porto on 17, 18 and 19 September, at Casa das Artes.

Warm Up resumes original format and offers an array of events of delight in the Gardens of the Palácio de Cristal

Following a first weekend devoted to spoken word at the Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, the Warm Up is going outside and resumes its original programming at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, where the Porta-Jazz Festival will make this a perfectly formed weekend.

And now this… a do-it-yourself cosmetic for keeping a healthy skin while taking a bite at something sweet

Bring something different to these summer days: a considered and thoughtful homemade face cream that can also be a sweet that will add that special twist to your skin care (and pocket).

Taxi transportation to vaccination centres will get second budget allocation of 120 thousand euros

The Municipal Executive votes the granting of a second fund to support the programme between Porto City Hall and Taxi operators as regards transportation to Covid-19 vaccination sites to Porto residents, on 26 July.

International public tender deadline for the design and construction of the Bridge D. António Francisco dos Santos is on 24 July

The deadline for the international public tender promoted by the Municipalities of Porto and Vila Nova Gaia for the design and construction of the Bridge D. António Francisco dos Santos over the river Douro is on 24 July.

There is a new way to add life to old toys

The Project Replay is bringing old toys a new life. The aim is to turn old toys into new ones, by recycling end of life toys; this is not only a way of boosting plastic recycling, but also finding a way to resolve the 30 million problems caused by that amount of old toys that are disposed of every year, and turn into landfill sites or get incinerated because they are made of too many different materials.

Australian entrepreneur moves to Campanhã, in Porto and sets a Gin Distillery with authentic origins

Travis Cunningham is an Australian in search of an alternative to the “where to look for the best place to establish a distillery?” type of quest. This expeditious search led him and his family to Porto, and he reveals that despite having looked at places all around the world he decided Porto was the best place to start his dream business: a Gin Distillery. He describes his distillery, Scoundrels Distilling Co. as “a Portuguese distillery run by Australians”.

Punk is not dead and it awaits at the U.Porto

From London to Tokyo, two photo exhibitions devoted to the punk universe are on display at the Casa Comum, in the Rectory. The exhibits are entrance free and can be visited until 31 August.