News Porto.

Villa Tugendhat by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe can be visited in Porto

The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto opens Thursday at 6:30 pm the exhibition based on "Villa Tugendhat", the icon of modernism designed 90 years ago by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and the most emblematic among the architect's works.

Galicia states that Porto is the capital of the "new economy"

Porto "has clearly grasped what the new economy is", said the President of the Regional Government of Galicia, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo during his visit to the city of Porto.

Dance performance to conquer the fear of the dark

"Nocturno" (Nocturnal in English) is a dance performance about the fear and fascination of the dark, featured by Theatre Campo Alegre, Saturday April 22, at 3 pm and at 5 pm.

Entrepreneurship trends debated at University of Porto

The entrepreneurs' capacity to respond to new challenges, the type of entrepreneur that our society needs or the training opportunities available in the market are some of key issues to be addressed in the first edition of the General States of Entrepreneurship at the University of Porto, Thursday 20, at 2:00 pm at Rectory Hall of University of Porto.

Porto and Galicia landmark cooperation

The President of the Xunta de Galicia was awarded the city's Honour Medal by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira. Alberto Nuñez Feijoo was awarded the highest municipal distinction "for his contribution to the relationship between the North of Portugal and Galicia".

Celebrate International Monuments and Sites Day in the city of Porto

International Day for Monuments and Sites is celebrated on 18 April and it was established to celebrate the diversity of heritage throughout the world. This day offers the opportunity to discover Porto's cultural heritage.

Beckett's Endgame by Tania Bruguera premieres in Porto at TNSJ - National Theatre of São João

Endgame, directed by Cuban artist Tania Bruguera and co-coproduced by TNSJ - National Theatre of São João, premieres at the Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória, Porto, on 20 and 21 April 2017, as part of the Biennial of Contemporary Arts (BoCA).

The taste of Porto by Anthony Bourdain

Porto, in northern Portugal, is the perfect destination to Season nine, episode 8 of Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown. Bourdain and his former boss Jose Meirelles toured Porto and spent time with local chefs, home cooks and amateur foodies.

The Thrill is Back with Rui Veloso and Shirley King at Porto Blues fest, 26 and 27 May

The first edition of the blues festival will be held in May, 26 and 27. The thrill is back with Porto Blues Fest, on May 26 and 27, at Palácio de Cristal Gardens.

Spring Season of Porto Municipal Theatre

Porto Municipal Theatre regularly brings an interesting cultural programme. You can choose from the selection of theatrical performances, music programs, dance and other events.