News Porto.

Blues Festival is back at the Palácio de Cristal Gardens on 18 and 19 May

Feeling blue on account of the rainy days? Despair not! Prepare to enjoy a beautiful feeling of blue at the Porto Blues Fest next May. Book the event in your agenda: the evenings on 18 and 19 May will feature a Blues Festival, at the orchestra shell, at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, the perfect stage for a memorable concert.

U.Porto is among the Best Universities in 22 subjects

The University of Porto is among the world's 300 best in 22 assessed areas, standing out specifically in Engineering and Technologies, a rise of 49 places from 2017, which represents the best result ever achieved by a Portuguese University.

Conference Cycle with philosopher Fernanda Bernardo at Rivoli

Philosopher and Professor Fernanda Bernardo delivers a lecture on "O arco-íris da hospitalidade - hospitalidade's - cenas da relação ao outro", [The rainbow and the hospitality], at the Rivoli, starting at 6 pm.

Cultural programme "Cultura em Expansão" fosters social cohesion

The new edition of cultural programme "Cultura em Expansão" features a circus festival, an inflatable movie theatre, a mobile art gallery, and several other activities. Twenty one projects and sixty eight performances will be presented throughout this year's edition that will integrate all the city's parishes for the first time ever.

"The Great Tamer" by Dimitris Papaioannou at Rivoli on 9 March at 9.30 pm

"The Great Tamer" by Dimitris Papaioannou is presented at Rivoli on 9 March at 9.30 pm and it repeats on 10 March at 7 pm.

Programme "Ambiente em Família" takes you bird watching in the City Park

The next programme "Ambiente em Família" is aimed at taking family and friends on a visit to the natural surroundings at Porto City Park, on 10 March, at 9 am, to observe bird species. Get the most fun and enjoyment taking part in this activity.

Sculpture by Romanian artist celebrates Portugal and Romania's diplomatic relations

The sculpture titled "Middle Way" celebrates the friendship of Portugal and Romania. The objet d'art is placed next to Casa da Música. The inauguration took place on 3 March and was attended by the Romanian Ambassador Ioana Bivolaru and by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira.

Vivarium Festival debates the place of people in the "digital era"

The Festival Vivarium runs on 24 and 25 March at Maus Hábitos, to inspire debate on the role of people and society in the so called "digital age". The motto of the Vivarium is: "How will the digital age be like for humankind?"

City Park is the runway of Portugal Fashion from 22 to 24 March

A 10 thousand square meters structure is going to be set up in the City Park, in which 8 thousand meters are roofed to host the 42nd edition of Portugal Fashion in Porto. The venue, which has been named "fashion city", will gather hundreds of people from the fashion industry, where established designers and new designers will present their Fall-Winter collections.

Porto Customs hosts London Museum of Natural History touring exhibition "Extinction: Not the End of the World?" as of 28 may

The touring exhibition "Extinction: Not the End of the World?" featured at the London Museum of Natural History will settle in Porto, at the Customs Building, from 28 May to 8 October. This eye-opening exhibition has already fascinated a great many people of all age groups in many countries.