News Porto.

Porto City Hall approves financial grants for the InResidence Porto Programme

Six artistic residencies in the city of Porto will be granted financial support, following the decision taken yesterday at the Meeting of the Executive Body, with the global value of 36 thousand euros.

"All that Jazz" in Parque de Serralves in the first three Sundays of July

The 26th Edition of Jazz at the Park will start July 2, continue July 9 and conclude July 16. This annual event takes place at Parque de Serralves and will feature three concerts, world premieres that will run from 6 pm to 7 pm.

Twenty-four hour PianoPorto Marathon this weekend

At noon, Saturday, July 1st, the second PianoPorto Marathon 2017 begins, jointly organised by Porto Music Conservatory and Porto City Hall. As Porto Music Conservatory reaches its 100th anniversary, 100 musicians will tickle the ivories 24 hours straight to celebrate the occasion.

Porto hosts national startups competition with the support of Venture Cup, June 30

The national competition will take place at Casa da Música, between 12.30 am and 6.30 pm. The ten startups on competition represent universities from all cross the country, and among them there will be 3 universities from Porto: iSociety, from Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering from University of Porto; Framie, from University of Porto; and Oko, from ISEP - Porto Engineering Polytechnic School.

Mala Voadora features Showbusiness with students from Business School

The theatre company Mala Voadora, features experimental project "Showbusiness" starring 21 students from the Sales Techniques course from Escola de Comércio (Business School in English), Tuesday, 27 June and Wednesday, 28 June.

Porto maintains the presidency of Cité des Métiers International network

Porto has been unanimously voted to preside the Cité des Métiers International network for a period of three years at the Association's General Meeting Board.

The safest São João ever

For the first time, the Municipal Civil Protection registered less than fifty incidents, half of which minor events that were solved on site and only 25 people had to be transported to the hospital for monitoring and to avoid complications.

Tonight, Porto celebrates São João with Marta Ren and Clã in concert in Aliados

Concerts of São João are brought to a close with Marta Ren and Clã that will perform this evening in Aliados.

Firework show of São João in Porto filled with colour, rhythm and merrymaking

"If someday someone asks about me / Tell them I lived to love you". It was to the tune of Salvador Sobral's "Amar pelos Dois", this years' Eurovision Song Contest Winner that the firework display kicked off last night in Ribeira do Porto.

Rabelo Boats Regatta lives up to the best tradition of the Douro River June 24

In accordance with tradition on the Day of São João, the Thirty-third Rabelo Boats Regatta fills the river of beautiful boats, starting at 3 pm, and organised by the Port Wine Brotherhood.