News Porto.

35 fashion shows run the catwalk of Portugal Fashion starting today till Saturday at Porto Customs

Portugal Fashion, one of the most important fashion events in the industry, starts today and runs till 20 October. Fashion designers, brands and "houses" display their collections for the coming season to buyers and the media.

Porto made a commitment to mitigate climate change

Porto is committed to mitigate climate change and the city will subscribe to the Covenant of Mayors Pledge to Climate and Energy, launched by the European Union. On the city's own initiative, Porto raises the CO2 reduction target to 50 percent till 2030, for a more decarbonized city where citizens are granted access to a safe, sustainable and renewable energy.

Luca Guadagnino speaks at the Forum of the Future in Porto this November

Luca Guadagnino will be in the city of Porto, Portugal, for the Forum of The Future, which runs from 4 to 10 November. The filmmaker will be in Porto on the first day of the event to talk about the role of desire in his work, at the Grande Auditorium of Rivoli Theatre. Entrance free.

Porto/Post/Doc features Chris Petit and Matías Piñeiro

Directors Chris Petit and Matías Piñeiro will be present at the Porto/Post/Doc, which runs between 24 November and 2 December in Porto. This event will be held in several places all over town, namely, Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel, Cinema Trindade, Porto Planetarium - Live Science centre, the Faculty of Fine Arts in UP - University of Porto and the School of Arts- UCP.

Family Film Project is on in town till 20 October

The Family Film Project 2018 is in Porto from 15 to 20 October. Among other activities, the festival's programme features masterclasses, book presentations, film screenings, video installations, performances and children's workshops.

The music of the 21st century with Jojo Mayer and Nerve at Casa da Música

Casa da Música hosts a concert by Jojo Mayer and the collective Nerve, on 26 October, at 11 pm. What began as a platform for experimental interaction between DJ's, visual artists, musicians and the audience, soon developed into a fine tuned group of programmed electronic music styles with real time, and improvised music performance.

Les nuits tragiques brighten Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória in Porto

The French Theatre Company, Theatre La Licorne presents "Sweet Home", where Suzanne wants to be the sole inhabitant of a building and "Macbêtes", the unusual appropriation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The performances will go on stage at Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória in Porto, on 17 and 18 October.

Speaking photographer with Porto Photo Fest 2018

The second edition of Porto Photo Fest is running till 21 October in Porto, at the historic centre. The world's top photographers are in town to present workshops on what makes a professional photographer thrive, namely João Carlos, Sara Lando, David Nightingale and Silvia Bifaro, among others. The activities programme includes workshops, masterclasses, portfolio reviews, photography film screening, Influencer days and exhibitions.

A Love Supreme debuts at Rivoli on 1 and 2 November

Contemporary dance choreographer, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker joined Salva Sanchis and they have created "A Love Supreme", based on John Coltrane's critically acclaimed self-titled album. The show will be on stage in Porto, at Theatre Rivoli, on 1 and 2 November.

Mark the agenda: Alfred Brendel lectures on Mozart at Casa da Música on 21 October at 6 pm

Alfred Brendel retired from the concert platform ten years ago. He devoted most of his time to his other interests, namely writing and lecturing. On 21 October, the pianist, poet and author will lecture on Mozart at Casa da Música, at 6 pm.