News Porto.

Porto City Hall offers trees to residents towards a sustainable future

The 3rd edition of the "If you have a garden, we have a tree for you" programme, sponsored by Porto City Hall will run till 21 March. The main purpose of this initiative is to support citizens, companies and institutions in the city regarding the planting of trees and bushes in their gardens and patios.

The Polytechnic of Porto honours the City Hall with the Merit Medal

"Porto City Hall is a unifying force within the city, which holds culture and knowledge as the main factors towards a civic experience that is open and world driven". The municipality was awarded the Merit Medal by the Polytechnic of Porto. Mayor Rui Moreira received the medal on behalf of the City Hall, in the context of the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the Higher Education Institution, which took place at the Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto.

Luís Bizarro Borges screens short films at Porto d'Artes

Porto d'Artes Cultural Association promotes today the monthly session of the Cycle "Sextas de Micro-Curtas", [Fridays with Shorts] with journalist and author Luís Bizarro Borges. The cycle features the screening of short films that last less than five minutes, "short in time but verbose in content", according to the Association. The event is access free and it is scheduled to start at 10 pm, at Rua Padre António Vieira, 76.

The Essence of Wine at Palácio da Bolsa till 25 February

The 15th edition of "Essência do Vinho - Porto" opened to the public today at Palácio da Bolsa. The event, which is regarded as the biggest and most prestigious wine competition in Portugal, will run till Sunday, 25 March, featuring three thousand wines and free tastings, from 400 national and international producers, and a wide-ranging programme of activities.

Centre of Porto University participates in the Global Malaise Program

The Centre for Research in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources in Porto (CIBIO-InBIO) of Porto University is the first Portuguese institution to take part in the Global Malaise Program, a world-wide collection program aimed at recording the huge diversity of arthropods in the entire planet by using the sampling method followed by their DNA barcode analysis.

The literary oeuvre of Almada Negreiros is the topic of a conference at Soares dos Reis National Museum

Linguist Celina Silva wild hold a conference on "Almada e a Literatura em movimento" [Almada and Literature in motion], at the National Museum Soares dos Reis, at 6 pm, on 23 March.

Master piece of western music tells love story at Casa da Música

Five vocal soloists, narrator, chorus and large orchestra are all it takes to tell the unfortunate love story of King Valdemar of Denmark, at Casa da Música, on 24 March, starting at 6 pm.

"Que ainda alguém nos invente" premieres at Campo Alegre, on 2 March

"Que ainda alguém nos invente" [May someone invent us still] is a joint cooperation between the Municipal Theatre and the Teatro Griot, which will premiere at Campo Alegre auditorium, on 2 March, starting at 9.30 pm. The performance is repeated on Sunday, 3 March, at 7 pm.

Sales and Marketing Bootcamp in Porto to help businesses grow

The Sales and Marketing Bootcamp in Porto takes place between 19 and 23 March and it is based on an intensive learning concept designed to help young, growing companies gain valuable information from experts on how to expand and scale their companies. This initiative is developed by five organisations in Porto and the programme includes workshops on innovative marketing techniques; networking opportunities; business strategies and Marketing sessions.

Attracting foreign investment in the Eastern part of Porto

The eastern area of the Invicta is taking on a significant role in the city development. This new reality was debated in a conference promoted by Vida Imobiliária, where Porto competitiveness was discussed in the European context.