
Open season: Portugal Fashion catwalk shows take to the digital platform from Porto

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Filipa Brito

Portugal Fashion is back in Porto, between 18th and 20th March, where the catwalk will take to digital platforms. From Porto Customs to audiences worldwide, “The Sofa Edition” offers what is next in Portuguese fashion.

This digital format was already tested last season, when Covid-19 had all major fashion weeks presenting their shows online; this is still the possible format, owing to the ongoing pandemic. It is worth recalling that Portugal Fashion had to cancel half already scheduled fashion shows last March, and even in October, runways were streamed online, with some shows presented outdoors.

This is the “The Sofa Edition” and Portugal Fashion is fiercely betting on the digital universe, as referred by Mónica Neto, director of the event, cited by Lusa. The purpose is that audiences literally hit the sofa throughout the entire event, either following Portugal Fashion’ site or social media. One of the already announced highlights is the partnership with Hugo van der Ding, author of A Criada Malcriada. Also, press and buyers will have to follow physical distancing rules.

This will be the Fall Winter season – FW 21/22 edition, and the fashion calendar includes the latest collections by Marques’Almeida, Alexandra Moura, Miguel Vieira, David Catalán, Ernest W. Baker, Maria Gambina, Diogo Miranda, Katty Xiomara, Inês Torcato, Hugo Costa, Sophia Kah, Luís Onofre, just to mention a few.

“During the first phase of the show, on 18th, 19th and 20th March, we will present the already recorded and edited videos. In the second phase, in soon to be announced dates, we will return to the runway with the recordings of our line-up. We are happy, because Fashion cannot stop”, the organisation stated in a news release.

Porto City Hall supports the event with 150 thousand euros, after the Municipal Executive unanimously approval, during the last Meeting. Councillor for Economy, Tourism and Commerce’s proposal, Ricardo Valente, enhances that the Municipality is very much interested in supporting Portugal Fashion in the city, “continuing to contribute to positioning Porto as the new European epicentre of fashion, and promoting the cluster of creative industry, as well, which has brought several new businesses to the city”.

Portugal Fashion is organised by ANJE- National Association for Young Entrepreneurs, jointly with the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP), with the funding of Portugal 2020, in the framework of Compete 2020. It was first established over twenty years ago to promote national fashion and designers.