
Porto City Hall offers free training to enhance competences within the city commercial fabric

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Filipa Brito

Porto City Hall resumes free training for traders in the city, this March, in a digital format. Owing to the health preventive measures still in place, the sessions follow an e-learning model. The goal is to provide traders and businesses the opportunity to recycle knowledge and reactivate competences. Applications are open and free, but places are limited. Register now.

Porto City Hall prepared remote training sessions for the month of March, and the Training Schedule includes E-commerce/Online Sales; Digital Marketing; Self Knowledge, Leadership and Productivity; Communication and Brand web presence.

Applications must be made via email, filling in the following information: Title of the training session; full name; job position; schooling; phone number and mail; commercial establishment name; activity field; full address; phone number and email.

After registration and respective validation by the Municipal Department for Trade, participants will receive am access link to the training sessions, according to date and timetable.

This municipal initiative has already promoted 47 training sessions, in 2020, which featured the participation of 1.264 traders.

See here the Online Raining Plan for March. Register HERE.