
BEAST connects audiences and film in different venues in Porto

During confinement, BEAST International Film Festival took to the online platform to connect audiences and film, receiving as much as ten thousand views. With the easing of the restrictive measures, cinema lovers can experience in-person cinema screenings in different venues in the city, between 29th April and 3rd June.

ping! Programme features conference with Michael Marder on 29th April

The start of the ping! – Incursion Programme to the Gallery happens on Thursday, 29th April, at 7 pm, during a conference with Michael Marder at the auditorium of Almeida Garrett municipal Library.

Shared memories from the world of Chemistry at the University of Porto

There is a special place in Porto that will crack open your attention: the refurbished Ferreira da Silva Laboratory at the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) opened doors on 6th April. There, you’ll find dozens of objects used by Ferreira da Silva, a famous Portuguese chemist and University teacher, who is said to be the father of forensic toxicology in our country.

DDD takes to the stage at Rivoli, with “Os Três Irmãos”

There are several reasons why theatre has been around for so long and one of them is certainly seeing the world from other perspectives. Such is the case of the performance “Os Três Irmãos”, by Victor Hugo Pontes and an original text by Gonçalo M. Tavares.

Death in Venice kick starts Fantasporto at the Hard Club

Fantasporto finds its fans from 26th April to 2nd May, in compliance with all health guidelines in place. The starting film is “Death in Venice”, a film by Luchino Visconti, from the work by Thomas Mann, on show at the Hard Club.

Psst…tomorrow there is a Porta Jazz outdoor concert!

Following months with Porta-Jazz concerts taking to the digital platforms, tomorrow, 24th April marks the comeback of morning concerts with Porta-Jazz at the Quintal (aka yard). This concert is a delivery driver of enjoyment as we all emerge from lockdown. Around 11 am, pianist Clara Lacerda and bassist Romeu Tristão go live and tell all about their newest work produced during confinement.

Warm Up shows what is new and next with Porto Book Fair 2021 in the horizon

We are sure these will be firm favourite weekends in the Invicta just before Porto Book Fair. Today, 23 April marks World Book Day with a hint on what to expect between 16 July and 22 August under the Warm Up cycle that will take to the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal and Casa Tait. This programming happens in the run-up of Porto Book Fair and resumes cultural activities in Porto, through word and music. The agenda includes festivals and activities that were postponed due to the pandemic.

All good things come in threes at the Clérigos Tower

The good news is that Clérigos Tower and Museum, which were closed until the end of January to complete improvement works, will open doors as of May. Another piece of good news is that upon purchase of a ticket, the institution offers a free one. And also, there are new contents to explore. Welcome back!

ping! kick starts on 29th April at Porto Municipal Gallery

The Incursion Programme to the Gallery ping! is the new education project by Porto Municipal Gallery that provides workshops, debates, tours, visits, interpretative paths and movie sections throughout the coming months.

Get ready for the first days of the DDD Festival, on 20 and 21 April

These are the DDD first programming days that are set to propel you to fascinating performances and animated shows. The first to be scheduled is the premiere BATE FADO, by Jonas&Lander, at Rivoli. What do tapping and singing the Fado have in common? That is precisely what you will discover on 20th April, at 7 pm. Check out the first days of the DDD Festival in Porto, available on stage and at home. A hybrid programming that is meant to suit all audiences.