
Romantic tale in enchanted Sicily opens 11th edition of Italian Cinema Celebration in Porto

The opening preview of "Sicilian Ghost Story" directed by Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza kicks-off the Italian Cinema Celebration in Porto, which will take place at Rivoli and Trindade Cinema between 4 and 8 April.

Open House 2018 registration of volunteers

The 4th edition of the Open House will run from June 30 to July 1. The registration of volunteers are now open till April 13. Around 250 volunteers will be needed to help organise this great event. The Open House provides a journey of discovery for visitors regarding the collective cultural heritage of the three municipalities that are part of the Atlantic Front: Porto, Gaia and Matosinhos.

Porto hosts new media Internacional Festival

To dwell on the place of the body and intimacy at a digital era, as factors that seem to taint the human experience is the tagline of the Vivarium Festival, which will be held this weekend at the Maus Hábitos space.

DDD Festival is coming, that is why we are dancing in the streets

The DDD Festival - Days of the Dance, the largest contemporary dance festival in Portugal will run from April 26 to May 13. The festival extends this year to other cities of the Atlantic Front. Besides Porto it will take place in Gaia and Matosinhos.

Exhibit "27 Collages" retrieves the heritage of comic strips

From Uderzo and Hal Foster, to Jean "Moebius" Giraud and Hergé, all the greatest comic strip authors are recalled in the context of the exhibit "27 Collages", on display at the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão (Carlos Alberto Square), as of March 17th.

DañsFabrik Festival in Brest Focus on Portugal featuring Porto Municipal Theatre

Prestigious International Dance Festival DañsFabrik - Festival de Brest, Focus on Portugal featuring Porto Municipal Theatre. Tiago Guedes, choreographer and director of Porto Municipal Theatre, is the guest honour and curator of Focus Portugal in the Festival.

Exhibit "Germinal" opens this evening at Porto Municipal Gallery

Porto Municipal Gallery opens the "Germinal" exhibition, later today, starting at 9.30 pm. This display is organised jointly with MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. This event is access free and it marks the beginning of the season at Porto Municipal Gallery, as well as its renewed partnership with the EDP Foundation as its sole sponsor till 2020.

The importance of ethics in society is the topic of debate at National Museum Soares dos Reis

"Olhares sobre a Ética" [Glances at ethics] is the topic of a debate to be held at National Museum Soares dos Reis, on March 15th, organised by the One World magazine, devoted to international businesses, management, strategy, geo-economics, international politics, culture and lifestyle.

Porto Tech Hub Conference is back in May to talk about the future

"Future Jobs and Technologies" is the prominent issue of the Porto Tech Hub Conference 4th edition. The event will be held on May 18th and once more, Porto will be the international arena for discussing innovation and technological evolution.

Municipal Gallery launches catalogue of exhibit "Quatro Elementos"

Porto Municipal Gallery launches the catalogue of the exhibition "Quatro Elementos", on a session that will take place at the hall of the Auditorium of the Municipal Library Almeida Garrett (Palácio de Cristal Gardens), on March 17, starting at 5 pm. This session is access free and it will be attended by curators Ana Luísa Amaral, Eduarda Neves, Pedro Faro and Nuno Faria.