
Cultural programme "Cultura em Expansão" fosters social cohesion

The new edition of cultural programme "Cultura em Expansão" features a circus festival, an inflatable movie theatre, a mobile art gallery, and several other activities. Twenty one projects and sixty eight performances will be presented throughout this year's edition that will integrate all the city's parishes for the first time ever.

The literary oeuvre of Almada Negreiros is the topic of a conference at Soares dos Reis National Museum

Linguist Celina Silva wild hold a conference on "Almada e a Literatura em movimento" [Almada and Literature in motion], at the National Museum Soares dos Reis, at 6 pm, on 23 March.

"Russa" at the Berlinale to raise awareness on 21st century housing

The short film by João Salaviza and Ricardo Jr, sponsored by Porto City Hall under the "Cultura em Expansão" cultural programme is not a film on the Aleixo neighbourhood, but it is the starting point for debating a current topic. And the topic is housing in the 21st century.

Russa, Aleixo and Porto are on their way to the Berlinale

The short film "Russa" depicting the daily lives of people from the Aleixo neighbourhood is in Berlin for the International Film Festival. The storyline of the Portuguese short "Russa" is the real lives of Aleixo inhabitants and the plot involves every bit of their existence, uncensored.

"The Scottish Play" by Shakespeare is on stage anew at Teatro Nacional São João

"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is presented at Teatro Nacional São João (TNJS) on 21 February and performances will run till 11 March. After sold-out performances in 2017, "The Tragedy of Macbeth" (the play's full title) features actor João Reis as Macbeth, a brave Scottish general who, upon a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland, is driven by ambition and spurred to action by his wife.

Manoel de Oliveira caricature exhibit on display at Península Boutique Centre in Porto

Caricature exhibit on show in Porto, at Peninsula Boutique centre, celebrates the outstanding artistic accomplishments of filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira. The exhibition, organised by the National Press Museum (MNI), offers 40 cartoon memoirs of acclaimed moviemaker (1908-2015) based on the Special Caricature Prize devoted to Manoel de Oliveira at the XV PortoCartoon-World Festival and it will be on display between 17 February and 11 March.

Porto Municipal Theatre presents "Brother" within Japanese International exhibition

The performance "Brother", featured at Rivoli's 85th anniversary in 2017, was presented at the Performing Arts Meeting, the Artists' Salon in Yokohama, Japan, on 14 February. "Brother" was jointly produced by Porto Municipal Theatre and artistic director and choreographer Marco da Silva Ferreira.

4th edition of Cultural programme "Uma Família Inglesa 2018" at mala voadora

Annual cultural programme "Uma Família Inglesa" [An English Family] is back to mala voadora Company in 2018. This is the fourth edition of a programme that will end in 2020. This year's edition runs from 15 to 18 February and features three shows, namely "I Could Go On Singing (Over the Rainbow)" by FK Alexander, "Story #1" by Greg Wohead and Rachel Mars and History, History, History by Deborah Pearson.

Casa da Música features film shows with live soundtrack

Casa da Música invites film lovers to enjoy a good old-fashioned film show, with the screening of movies accompanied by live music. The cycle Invicta.Música.Filmes will run from 17 to 20 February.

Rivoli screens Godard and Antonioni films

Rivoli screens "Masculin Féminin", by Jean-Luc Godard, and "Blow-Up", by Michelangelo Antonioni, within the "Ver primeiro" [Watch first] cycle at Rivoli, on 13 February.