
Festival Vivarium challenges us to ask the place of Humankind in the "digital age"

Vivarium Festival opens in March to engage us on the following question: How will the digital age be like for humankind? According to curator Marianne Baillot, the current moment of cultural expansion in Porto and the city's commitment to the Smart City model, provide the framework for this event that spans through artistic activities to embrace larger contexts, including cybernetics, exhibits, music, and debates.

Fantasporto celebrates 38 years and achieves international recognition

The Fantasporto has been celebrating the film industry for the past 38 years. This year, the "Fantas" honours the world of cinema, under the motto "Grande Cinema do Mundo" [World Film Industry]. This years'edition will kick-off on 20 February and it will debate ethics, honour Lauro António and bring to the Rivoli a selection of almost 120 films from more than 60 countries.

The exhibit "Anuário" gathers curators to celebrate artistic activity in Porto

The "Anuário" [yearbook] takes as its starting point the intention to document and to examine artistic activity in Porto for a year. The exhibit constitutes one of the pillars for municipal platform PLÁKA, focused on contemporary art production in Porto. This display is supervised by the newly appointed Director of Serralves Museum, João Ribas and by Guilherme Blanc, Assistant of Mayor of Porto for Culture.

Ever wonder what actors do backstage in between show breaks?

Marco Martins often observed how actors would indeed spend the in-between moments of shows, be it at lunchtime or during breaks, and how they would memorize the lines for a TV show, a soap opera, or a TV commercial, so this show was put together to materialise, so to speak, the curiosity and the inquisitiveness on how actors spend their time backstage.

"Box of stories" to relive Coliseu Porto as a "producer of culture"

The President of Coliseu Porto, Eduardo Paz Barroso, the musician Pedro Abrunhosa and Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira have evoked the stories of 75 years of Coliseu Porto, on 1 February in a ceremony open to the public, in the main lobby of Porto City Hall.

Filmography by Jean-Claude Brisseau screened at Campo Alegre

The Film Cycle devoted to the acclaimed and controversial French Director Jean-Claude Brisseau, which begins today, 1 February and runs till 7 February at Theatre Campo Alegre jointly with Medeia Filmes will screen four of Brisseau's films, namely: "The Girl from Nowhere" (French: La Fille de nulle part), a 2012 French drama film and the trilogy "Sex taboos", on eroticism and the nature of female pleasure, which includes "Secret Things" (French: Choses Secrètes) is a 2002 French erotic...

Casa da Música holds solidarity concert for Syrian students on 4 February

Casa da Música and Global Platform for Syrian Students jointly organise a concert of solidarity for Syrian students on 4 February, starting at 6 pm. Pianists Mário Laginha and Pedro Burmester will take the stage at Sala Suggia, in Casa da Música, to raise funds to the Global Platform for Syrian Students, aimed particularly at providing emergency assistance to these students, who have been prevented of pursuing their university education on account of war.

TEDxPorto is back in April and the talk will be on "Is it Natural?"

TEDxPorto is back on 13 April and the talk will be on "Is it Natural?" The coming TEDxPorto edition brings novelties over a two-day event. The first day of the conference consists of workshops and the second comprises the TED Talks. This event takes place at Casa da Música.

Show catalogue marking 75 years of Coliseu Porto is launched on 31 January

Show catalogue for the exhibition "O Coliseu e a Cidade: 75 anos de histórias" [Coliseu and the City: 75 years of Stories] will be launched on 31 January at the City Hall main lobby, by reputed musician Pedro Abrunhosa. This event is open to the public and it is scheduled to start at 6.30 pm.

Aleixo district "goes to" Berlin on 19 February

The film "Russa", produced under the "Cultura em Expansão" Municipal Programme, will be screened on 19 February, at 4 pm at the Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival. Directed by João Salaviza (who has won the Golden Bear in 2012) and Ricardo Alves Jr., the film portrays the day to day situations of the Aleixo district and it is presented as highlight at the event that runs in Berlin between 15 and 25 February.