
Xmas Windows Contest: and the winner is…

The Christmas contest for best Xmas window 2020 offered a tough time when choosing the winner application, as all the 138 shop Windows in contest offered high standard quality and creativity; however, the “Florista Verdelinho”, located at the Rua de Cedofeita, was granted first place in the competition, followed by the “Armazém dos Linhos” and “Sogevinus Wine Shop Flores”, which got second and third podium places, respectively.

Renovation of Tenant Office to provide greater comfort and deliver capacity

The Porto Municipal Tenant Office has undergone renovation works and it satisfies both comfort needs and operational goals as regards public facilities functional functions. The space has kept the annual average of 70 thousand consultations, despite the ongoing pandemic, much due to the digital attendance procedure, embraced by the Municipality of Porto to overcome constraints and to be able to cope with tenants needs.

Adapt and adjust your weekend to this winter style: cold and pandemic

The weekends are under Covid-19 restrictions still, as the pandemic rages society; however, keeping fit and mentally sane is everything, and there are some nice options to follow when it comes to finding a suitable Sunday leisure programme. Take some cues by “Porto.”.

Full rehabilitation works of the Pergola and railing at Foz commence on 11th January

The balustrade, the ramparts and the staircases of the landmark structure of the Pergola da Foz, facing the Atlantic, in Porto, will be rehabilitated. The works advance this coming Monday, and follow the renovation works the Municipality of Porto commenced a little less than two years ago, when the seaside covered walkway facing the Atlantic, in Porto, was restored by the Municipality. Works are estimated to conclude in the end of May.

Reading and storytelling programme “Sábados a Contar” is back at the BMAG

This January, the storytelling cycle “Sábados a Contar” is back to the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library (BMAG). Sessions restart this 9th January, at 11am and continue until the end of the month, also featuring a theme workshop at the end of each session.

Municipal contingency plan for cold wave has been activated and will remain in place in Porto

The Municipality of Porto has activated its contingency plan for extreme weather conditions affecting the homeless and the most vulnerable population in the city of Porto. The plan is in place as of 30th December 2020 and the response is coordinated with the Emergency Temporary Shelters and the solidarity restaurants for the homeless. These measures are appropriate to the needs, and there is still availability to accommodate more people. These facilities house 23 people, for the time being.

Get ready to visit the University of Porto, either in person or from home! Yes, it is possible

Everyone can visit amazing spaces within the University of Porto, either in person or from one’s home; the building of the Rectory, the Porto Botanical Garden and the Casa-Museu Abel Salazar are now included in the UP’s virtual mapping project. This is an even more worthwhile project amid the ongoing pandemic, when the set of 3D tours by the U.Porto is available and invites everyone to enter spaces that aren’t normally visited by the community.

At home or outside, the final festive days bring colourful programmes for the entire family!

The festive weekend still asks for more Covid-19 restrictions; however, there are plenty of options to follow when it comes to finding one suitable Saturday and Sunday leisure programme. Enjoy some of the suggestions by “Porto.”.

Happy New Year!

Porto City Hall wishes you a happy and healthy New Year!

The Christmas circus at Coliseu Porto Ageas offers a streaming session on 1st January

A modern and unique take at the circus magic in is town, hosted by Coliseu Porto Ageas, with the added romance of-one-of-a-kind joyful experience. The good news is that the circus magic will enter everyone’s home via an exclusive streaming session, on 1st January, at 5pm.