
Olafur Eliasson's Serralves exhibition book is an AIGA winner

The exhibition book of Olafur Eliasson exhibit "O V/Nosso Futuro É Agora" ["Y/our Future is Now"], published by the Serralves Foundation, in 2019, is included in the 50 Books I 50 Covers AIGA winners' list.

Porto Municipal Theatre challenges to celebrate International Children

June 1st marks International Children's Day and Porto Municipal Theatre invites the entire family to an online performance, delivered by Marta Cerqueira. The show will be streamed on TMP's Facebook, starting at 4pm.

Northern region of Portugal contributed the most to increase labour productivity in Portugal

The Northern region of Portugal was the one that contributed the most to increase labour productivity, between 2000 and 2017; this represents a 20% growth compared to the Lisbon Metropolitan area, which has risen 3.3% in the same period.

Porto with no reported Covid-19 cases for three consecutive days

The General Directorate for Health Report informs that there are no reported Covid-19 cases in Porto for three consecutive days. These numbers are stated daily and show that there are, currently, in Porto 1347 positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic. In May, a few hundred cases were reported in Porto, which shows that the city has controlled the epidemic.

TMP new season starts 17th September 2020

Teatro Municipal do Porto opens doors on 17th September 2020, unless public health issues do not allow it. This will be the time to celebrate art and culture, with performances previously scheduled to take place between March and July now featuring the TMP new season.

Porto City Hall distributes 15 thousand masks to visits to retirement homes

Porto City Hall has handed out 15 thousand disposable face masks in the circa 70 nursing homes in the city of Porto. These masks are meant to support family visits to relatives living in long term retirement homes.

Driverless public buses run in Porto starting this fall

Self-driving buses will run the streets of Porto, starting this fall, namely in the Asprela area, under international project that STCP - Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto is taking part. Tests will run on mini bus, also known as shuttles.

Ramalde Skate Park reopens on 18th May. New rules to follow

Following the running track, now it's time for Ramalde/INATEL Sports Park Skate Park to reopen to the public, starting 18th May. There are several safety measures to follow, in line with the current pandemic, namely occupancy control, distancing among skaters and mandatory prior appointment.

Awareness-raising activities for Porto municipal public schools non-teaching staff kicked-off today

A set of awareness raising actions regarding the return to the new normal, under the current pandemic kicked off today, 20th May, at the Porto Fire Brigade (BSB), targeted at Porto municipal public schools non-teaching staff.

Cinephile Quarantine concludes with films by Yasujiro Ozu

After several weeks with the uninterrupted streaming of dozens of films, the Cinephile Quarantine concludes this week, with a programme devoted to Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu.