News Porto.

Soares dos Reis National Museum offers free entry this weekend mornings under strict safety guidelines

Take time during the weekend mornings to visit the Soares dos Reis National Museum, located in Porto, a cultural equipment under the tutelage of the DGPC. This Saturday and Sunday mornings, visits are exceptionally free of charge, between 10am and 1pm, under the significant alterations to operating hours, due to the State of Emergency.

Develop your learning about water with the online sessions of the Water Pavilion

Learn all about water! In a time when the population has to comply with stricter measures to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, and there is a mandatory curfew, especially during the coming weekend, as regards Saturday and Sunday afternoon (as it happened last weekend), there are ways to still spend time with the closest ones. One of such educational and fun activities is to virtually visit the Water Pavilion.

New circus takes to the stage at Campo Alegre

New circus aka contemporary circus are back to the stages of Theatre Campo Alegre to present “Mostra Estufa”, an initiative by Erva Daninha, jointly with Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP), from Thursday to Friday, on 19 and 20 November, at 7.30pm. Tickets cost seven euros and grant access to the three shows. Tickets are available online or at the Ticket boot of the Municipal theatre, at Rivoli and at Campo Alegre.

Educational programmes by the Municipal Environment Team

The municipal team of Centro de Educação Ambiental da Quinta do Covelo (aka “Covelo Environmental education Centre) continues to offer weekly episodes on environmental issues, sharing the top tips on fauna and flora. The latest episode is themed “Ambiente Descomplicado” [“Uncomplicated Environment”, free translation] and it is available on the YouTube of “Porto.”.

Porto City Hall is shortlisted for Public Policies Prize as regards earlier screening of Covid-19 in nursing homes

Porto City Hall is among the five finalists of the IPPS-Iscte Public Policies Prize. This recognition is the result of the Municipal programme to early detection of Covid-19 in Residential Structures for Elderly People in the city of Porto, which provided screening and testing to all beneficiaries and care workers of retirement homes within the Municipality of Porto. The winners will be announced on 20th November, in an online ceremony.

São Silvestre do Porto goes virtual amid the ongoing pandemic

This year, the São Silvestre race of Porto, scheduled for 26 and 27 December, goes virtual for the first time ever. Applications are open and participants can choose between the 10km race or the 5km walk. All information is available at the Runporto website.

Porto made it to the 2020 A List regarding environmental action

Porto is part of the A List as regards environmental action, which features 88 cities worldwide, according the CDP, even amid the pandemic; in fact, Porto continues to ramp up its environmental action and resilience, teaming them up with steady ambitious to keep building its environmental structure.

Asprela Park adds to the green structure of the city of Porto

Asprela Park began to be built in July 2020 and the estimate conclusion deadline is the first quarter of 2022. The project is led by the Municipality of Porto in an investment of 1.64 million euros.

The Guardian illustrates Europe’s response to Covid-19 second wave with Porto’s communication campaign

The Guardian displays Porto’s Covid prevention measures campaign to explain how Europe is tackling the pandemic’s second wave. The online article highlights how several European countries, such as Austria, Germany, France, Sweden and Portugal are implementing measures, as regards, for instance, community engagement and restrictions.

Porto demonstrated what a resilient city looks like

Summer 1899. Porto. The bubonic plague spread in the Ribeira area, in Porto and caused the death of several people, which led authorities in Lisbon to declare a cordon sanitaire in that part of town to prevent the plague from spreading.