News Porto.

The half century artwork by Alfredo Cunha on display at the Portuguese centre of Photography

Why not venture into Portuguese Centre of Photography and appreciate the work by photojournalist Alfredo Cunha, who displays his time and mind in an exhibition that portrays half a century of snapshotting reality (1970-2020), to his own accord.

The Municipality of Porto consults with Porto Civil Protection District Commission to monitor developments on Covid-19

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira has expressed to Porto Civil Protection District Commission the Municipality's readiness to collaborate in the guidelines that are being defined by that entity to contain the spread of the new coronavirus. In a letter sent to the Mayor of Gondomar, Marco Martins, who presides over that Commission, Rui Moreira indicates the available spaces for the purpose of operating as a district support facility, namely the Youth Hostel. The Municipality of Porto ensures...

i3S researcher is awarded the Best Poster Award for Cancer Biology study

i3S researcher, Flávia Castro was awarded the Best Poster under the conference "Cancer Biology: from basic to Translational Research", by the Portuguese League Against Cancer (LPCC) for her work in the area of breast cancer. The poster was presented during the Web Conference Cancer Biology: from basic to Translational Research.

Chapel roof repair works at the Agramonte Cemetery have commenced

Porto City Hall commenced the rehabilitation works of the vaulted ceiling of the chapel at the Agramonte Cemetery, an endeavour that comprises the replacement of the building roof, with the deployment of a waterproof canvas, and the repair of the metallic coating sealing as well, at the bureau higher floor.

Nadir Afonso on display at the Rectory of the UP

"100 Anos Nadir, Inéditos", aka "100 years Nadir, Unpublished", this is the motto of the exhibit that marks the kick off of tribute by the University of Porto to the painting Nadir Afonso (1920-2013). This display features over 100 works by Nadir Afonso that are unheard-of to the public eye at the Rectory of the University of Porto, till 23rd December. Entrance is free.

1820 celebration programme debates "The Creation of Liberties" on 5th November

The International Congress on "The Creation of Liberties", under the celebration of the bicentennial of the Liberal Revolution in Porto had to be reorganised amid the ongoing pandemic, and on 5th November, the original programme only keeps the opening session, at the Municipal Library Almeida Garrett. This event is open to all audiences. Prior registration is mandatory.

The Municipality of Porto raises awareness on city scooter riding

The campaign to raise awareness on safety and responsible behaviour regarding city scooter riding and shared mobility transportation modes is back in the streets under the motto: "Não é tudo teu, é tudo nosso!" ["Not everything is yours, everything is ours!"]. The main goal is to make people - users, pedestrians and drivers of every sort, everyone in general - aware of the importance of establishing safety habits and conscious behaviour in the city's mean streets, when riding such a mode of...

Joint operational training assessed Porto and Lisbon

The Disaster Search Dog-Handler Team of Porto City Hall, set up by elements of Porto Firefighter's Battalion performed operational special training drills, jointly with the Lisbon Firefighters Battalion. This initiative was carried out between 30th September and 2nd October and it involved a total of 13 elements; from Porto, the mission included eight operatives and four dogs, and from Lisbon, the mission comprised five operatives and seven dogs. The training also featured three operational...

Exhibition on the Art of Forgery at Porto Customs

Over 200 counterfeit paintings, seized in the past 15 years by the North Department by the Judiciary Police (PJ) are on display at Porto Customs. "The Art of Forgery" ("A Arte do Falso") gathers replicas of artwork by Picasso, Júlio Pomar, Cesariny, Malangatana, Amadeo Souza Cardoso, and unusual objects, as well, quite revealing of the criminal ingenuity. "The Art of Forgery" can be visited from Tuesdays to Friday, from 10am to 6pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10am to 7pm, for...

Cultura em Expansão offers a game changer cinema session in Campanhã

The Military Headquarter of Bela Vista, in the Park São Roque da Lameira, features two free cinema sessions, on 18th October, at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (subject to prior ticket collection - max 2 per person - on site, within two hours before the beginning of the show and subject to room availability). The films to be screened are a short film by Edgar Pêra, jointly presented with the Instituto Moderno do Porto, Invicta Film. It is a documentary of the country in 1916 and it is accompanied...