News Porto.

Leonor de Almeida: the writer who excelled is honoured at Porto Book Fair

Who was Leonor de Almeida, whose memory and work is being honoured at Porto Book Fair 2020 edition? Leonor de Almeida was born in Porto, in 1909. "She was a mother, a poet, a nurse, a physical therapist, a beautician, a traveller, an adventurer, a pioneer, but most of all, she was free", as explained by Cláudia Clemente, who researched the writer's work.

SATA resumes direct flights between Porto and Terceira, in the Azores, starting on 16th September

Azores Airlines announced that direct flights between Porto and the Island of Terceira, in the Azores will be resumed, starting with one weekly flight as of 16th September. This direct route had been trimmed last March due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Ultimately, Ramalde Skate Park is all about exercising while having a blast of time

Here's an update: there is still time to attend free skate lessons at Ramalde Sports Park till the end of August. Sessions are scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays, besides the usual weekend sessions, to meet demand, as classes only take 12 participants simultaneously. On week days, sessions take place between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Saturdays and Sundays, free classes are always between 10am and the strike of noon.

Art pharmacy is the topic of the thematic tour at the Pharmacy Museum

The "Museu da Farmácia", in Porto, hosts a thematic visit under the "Art and Health" topics, on 24th August to mark the Day of the Artist. This tour offers visitors a journey through time and the way art intertwined with health throughout the centuries.

Porto celebrates the cause that shaped the nation

It was the year 1820, on 24th August, precisely 200 years ago today that one of the most significant announcements of Portugal echoed in Porto: "PEOPLE OF PORTO! Let's redeem those captives in Lisbon!" This marked the beginning of the Liberal Revolution that would set in motion the establishment of a constitutional regime in Portugal. The Portuguese Court and King D. João VI returned from Brazil and that was the end of the absolute monarchy, thus paving the way for the first Constitution,...

Porto, Noites do Palácio and Rui Veloso: all things extraordinary

The Palácio de Cristal landscape hosted the "Noites do Palácio" initiative every Friday and Saturday, from 31st July to 22nd August. The last performance of this initiative took Rui Veloso to the stage on 22nd August. The long established musician from Porto has come indoors, in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, and shared a feeling of collective pleasure. We share some of those moments with you.

Century old Campo 24 de Agosto is a tribute to the Liberal Revolution of 1820

Campo 24 de Agosto was once designated Campo de Mijavelhas and that place name was altered as a tribute to the Liberal Revolution of 1820, by the City Council, stipulated by public notice on 1st August 1860, and published by the Civil Government, to honour the Liberal Revolution of 1820.

Take a hike whilst experiencing the best iconic sites in Porto

Take your mask, set your route - downtown or in the banks of the river Douro - and prepare for wellness at its best. Every weekend, there is a route with two timetables at disposal. This initiative goes on till October next.

Just you wait: Porto Book Fair 2020 kicks off on 28th August

Porto Book Fair is back to the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, from 28th August to 13th September. This year, the motto is "Alegria para o fim do mundo" ["Joy to the End of the World", free translation], transliterated from the work by Andreia C. Faria. The programming will focus mainly on the valorisation of the Portuguese language and poets, writers and artists, especially those working in Porto or who are based in the Invicta.

The University of Porto promotes digital inclusion in older adults

The UP- Centro de Competências em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, aka Porto4Ageing, jointly with the Santa Misericórdia do Porto, promotes digital inclusion in older adults through face-to-face training in the framework of the European project ICTskills4All. The goals are as simple: learning basic digital skills for basic tasks, such as sending an email or navigating the internet.