News Porto.

Stadium at University of Porto nearly ready for the new season

The journey to accomplish a brand new University stadium is completed and Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira visited the equipment upon invitation by the Rector of the University of Porto, António Sousa Pereira. The old University Stadium is being renovated since April 2019 and the work done is immediately noticeable for those who visit it, following the investment of circa 2.5 million euros.

LIPOR's project for circular economy is set as an international example

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) brings together stakeholders that are active in the area of the circular economy all around Europe and highlights best examples and effective solutions among the stakeholders network. This joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee highlighted LIPOR's Datacentre as a best example for the circular economy.

Asprela Park is being built in Porto and a new green lung is on its way

The works at the Asprela Park, whose project is led by the Municiaplity of Porto, have kicked off on 21st July, where a "new green lung" will be implanted in the city landscape. The works include stream flow regulation, establishment of water storage basins and the creation of a dam, footbridges, and bike paths adapted to the individual needs of disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility, in a total area of 60 thousand square meters.

The Galeria da Biodiversidade is "Clean & Safe" approved

The Galeria da Biodiversidade of the U.Porto is among the 13 Ciência Viva centres to have been granted the "Clean & Safe" certification regarding Covid-19 prevention, by Turismo de Portugal jointly with Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional for Scientific and Technological Culture.

Coliseu Porto Ageas takes "Metropolis" to the big screen with live music by Filipe Raposo and the Portuguese Symphonic Orchestra

Lockdown boredom is eased as Porto offers a multitude of activities such as the screening of the film-concert "Metropolis" at Coliseu Porto Ageas, on 23rd August at 9pm. The presentation of the film is followed by the soundtrack of Filipe Raposo, in-house pianist and composer of the Portuguese Symphonic Orchestra. All health measures regarding Covid-19 prevention are in place.

Spin-off from Porto receives 1 million dollars to further its research on Covid-19, cancer and Alzheimer

The startup from Porto, iLoF - Intelligent Lab on Fiber, established at INESC TEC and incubated at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) ensured funding by Microsoft's venture fund M12 and Mayfield. This funding will help advance the several projects that the company has been developing in the field of personalized medicine.

Free cinema outdoor screenings at Monte Aventino

Looking round the not-to-miss activities in Porto, one is drawn to the "Cinema Fora de Sítio" event this summer season, with free cinema outdoor screenings. With fun and trill that goes on for days, from 31st July till 29th August, free movies sessions will be available in Porto, of every kind for every taste and age. However, the initiative is committed to one single location, due to Covid-19 preventive measures, namely the Sports Centre Monte Aventino. This 21st cinema cycle features 10...

Porto is the most beautiful city to enjoy summer evening outdoor gigs

The concert cycle themed "Noites do Palácio" kicks off on 31st July and runs till 31st August, where music takes to outdoor stages. These outdoor concerts deliver summer celebration every Friday and Saturday, always at 9pm, bringing to town some of the most reputed musicians in the Portuguese scene. Tickets are available as of today, and the single cost is 10 euros.

The vaulted ceiling of the chapel at the Prado do Repouso Cemetery is being restored

Porto City Hall commenced the rehabilitation works of the vaulted ceiling of the chapel at the Prado do Repouso Cemetery, at the Bonfim parish, namely the sealing of fissures and breakings. Restoring historical buildings require extra care and attention to detail, as not to endanger the original features and materials. And this is an important enterprise as it is our link to the past and bygone eras.

ScaleUp Porto Open Call 2020 shortlists seven ground-breaking projects

The Call for proposals under the "Convocatória Aberta 2020" of the ScaleUp Porto aims to promote activities that boost the city's entrepreneur ecosystem. The ideas presented were a match of technology and entrepreneurship and the jury selected seven of those projects that were formally validated on 20th July, during the Municipal Executive Meeting.