News Porto.

There is opera in the Coliseu Porto and it starts with Puccini's opera Turandot

"Turandot", by Giacomo Puccini, is featured in Coliseu Porto bringing back opera to the city of Porto Saturday, 21 October, starting at 8 pm. "There is opera in the Coliseu!" became the bywords of the city of Porto under the agreement signed between Coliseu Porto and the São Carlos National Theatre. This joint partnership will enable Coliseu Porto to stage incredible world-class opera shows.

A Tarumba - Puppet Theatre features "Este não é o nariz de Gógol..." (This is not Gógol's nose?), 21 October in Rivoli

The Puppet Theatre "A Tarumba" features the performance "Este não é o nariz de Gógol..." (This is not Gógol's nose?), 21 October in Rivoli. The show is based on Gógol's world (reminiscente of Godot) and Jacques Prévert. The play takes place in a kitsch ambiance, which relies on paper jointed figures and objects to translate the surreal and absurd world we live in.

Cello and piano concert pays tribute to Guilhermina Suggia

The School of Music Guilhermina Suggia promotes, 21 October, a concert to honour cellist from Porto, Guilhermina Suggia (1885/1950), that will take place in Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão (Carlos Alberto Square), at 6 pm, with free entrance.

Quinta do Covelo shows bats

Starting at 6 pm, there will be a role play of the tale "Apollinaris, the adventurous bat" and then a field trip to watch and hear bats. This is an excellent opportunity to dispel myths about this nocturnal flying mammals and get to know a bit of their living habits.

"Porto" is released in cinemas across the country 19 October

The film "Porto" by Gabe klinger premieres in theatres nationwide 19 October. US-based Brazilian filmmaker shot the film in the city of Porto in 2015. It is the first feature-length film to be directly sponsored by Porto City Hall. The movie was awarded in the La Biennale di Venezia Festival and has contributed to put Porto in the world cinematographic roadmap.

Physical fitness in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal

Under the Municipal Programme "Dias com Energia" (Days with Energy), people are invited to take up new sports such as Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi, 21 October in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal.

Photo Ark by Joel Sartore urges people to take action and save the planet

Like a present time Noah's ark, the Photo Ark is full of wildlife that is urgent saving. The exhibition "Photo Ark by Joel Sartore", sponsored by National Geographic is on display at the Biodiversity Gallery - Living Science Centre from 18 October 2017 till 28 April 2018. In an interview to Porto., Joel Sartore talks about his life passion, or "obsession", as he calls it, to document all endangered species in this ark.

Urban renewal makes Porto an even more important destination to live and invest

Porto is increasingly an attractive destination for investments, as a result of "a value based proposition built on the supply of skilled human resources, excellent infrastructure, enterprising ecosystem, intercultural education, and the recognised quality of life". This point of reference to the positive momentum of the city of Porto is made by Ricardo Valente, economic and social development councilman of Porto City Hall, during the workshop "Investing in Property in Portugal".

Porto hosts Bea World Festival in November

Over 500 representatives of the event industry from many dozens of countries take part in the Bea World Festival 2017, to be held in Porto from 15 to 18 November. After eleven editions targeted only to Europe, the initiative has gone global this year, with several projects from different continents competing for Bea (Best Events Awards) World, and Porto is the city chosen to embrace this challenge.

Air Europa increases seat capacity in the Porto-Madrid Route

Air Europa, from Globalia Group, increases seat capacity between the city of Porto and the airline's hub, in Madrid. As of 30 October, according to Turisver Online, the airline will operate a new aircraft, which nearly doubles the number of passengers carried between these two cities.