News Porto.

Night trip with our little friends the bats, in Porto’s green spaces. Apply here

Between the months of July and October, from Friday to Saturday, those interested in getting to know the lives and habits of these mammals, which are actually more manoeuvrable than birds, as they fly with their very long spread-out digits covered with a thin membrane. This will be an experience for the books. Entrance is free but application is mandatory.

Have a glass of wine and enjoy your film!

In two years’ time, the Palacete Silva Monteiro will turn into a landmark cultural venue. At present, the Seventeenth century building, which is the headquarters of the Viticulture Commission of the Vinhos Verdes Region (CVRVV) will deliver magical sunsets in its gardens with an amazing cinema cycle with thoroughly selected films that will uplift your summer.

Municipal Executive votes the call for proposals that will set up Supervised Drug consumption Rooms in Porto

The Municipal Executive will consider the opening of the calls to the supervised drug consumption rooms, during the next Executive meeting on 12 July, to give way to the setting up of a removable supervised consumption space.

Roger Ballen’s unique artwork goes on display at the Portuguese Photography Centre, in Porto

The prison cells of the former Prison and Court of Appeal in Porto will host, between 10 July and 10 October, the original work by the New Yorker photographer Roger Ballen. Entrance is free.

Creativity making: Puppet workshop at the Puppet Museum of Porto

The Puppets of Porto introduce a new workshop to put creative making to work. In the framework of the Sculpture at the Museum month, João Pedro Trindade, visual artist and technician at the Puppet Theatre of Porto and Micaela Soares, the company’s in-house actress, deliver a workshop to share their own aesthetics when it comes to building a puppet or marionette. The Workshop is for participants aged between 8 and 15 years old.

Get ready to go out and become a botanic expert

The team of the Environment Education of Porto City Hall presents the best way to become a specialist in the flora of this region during your outings. The trick is to use the smartphone and start learning.

Companies and Municipalities debate what smart mobility means at the MOB LAB

Mobility, especially smart mobility is again the main issue on the table at the MOB LAB Congress 4th edition, which took place at the Electric Tram Museum. Companies, municipalities and stakeholders think everything through.

Student of the U.Porto wins the gold medal at the Acrobatic Gymnastics world championship

Student and gymnast, Rita Ferreira, of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), won the gold medal, the first ever for Portugal, of the Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championship that took place in Geneva, Switzerland.

Renovation works at the Casa Serralves now being finalised to accommodate Miró for 25 years

Rui Moreira and António Costa visited the space that will accommodate the artwork of Catalan Surrealist painter Juan Miró, from this year on.

Bus Rapid Transit System tender launched to link Boavista to Foz in 2023

The Bus Rapid Transit System will add eight kilometres of green mobility to the city of Porto, as of the last quarter of 2023: this will be the new BRT Line. This new extension of the Metro do Porto, whose international tender was launched today, at the Serralves Park, by the Prime Minister, António Costa, will link the roundabouts of the Boavista and the Praça do Império, in an investment of 66 million euros, financed by the Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR).