News Porto.

Eduarda Neves presents a curatorial programme on visual arts in Porto Planetarium at 6 pm

"Sem Imago Mundi, Antes Um Desvio Aleatório" is the theme of the new project curated by Eduarda Neves, which will be presented on 12 October at the Ciência Viva Centre, in Porto, at 6 pm.

The Dreams of Helena by Isidro Ferrer on display at Porto Pharmacy Museum

The exhibition "Os Sonhos de Helena" ["The Dreams of Helena"] by Isidro Ferrer is on show at the Porto Pharmacy Museum, from 21 September till 31 December. The exhibit is open every day from 10 am till 6 pm.

Porto and Douro cultural and economic exchanges at La Cité du Vin

The Mayors of Bordeaux and Porto, former Prime Minister Alain Juppé and Rui Moreira, inaugurated the exhibition "Douro: L'Air de la terre au bord des eaux", in the port city of Bordeaux, a famed wine-growing region, on the Garonne River in southwestern France, on 4 October.

What to do and where to go in Porto this long weekend? "Porto." leaves some tips

Looking for some inspirational tips on what to do in the "best place in the world for making friends, finding love, feeling free to be yourself"? Porto. leaves some tips.

Art by children and contemporary art tell stories of peoples and peace

The work of renowned artists not only from Porto but also from Nagasaki and children art work from both cities are part of this exhibition "stories | estórias - Porto e Nagasaki", that can be visited at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, till 31 October. Handed on is a message of universal peace.

Minigolf Champions' League gathers 150 athelestes in Porto

The Minigolf European Cup, aka Minigolf Champions' League, is running in Porto from 4 to 6 October. The teams that are competing in this event are the club teams who achieved the highest place of the podium of the National Team Championship in each national federation, as well as the cupholders of the previous year.

Over 4600 foreign students are enrolled at the University of Porto

More than 4.600 students, from 90 countries have chosen Portugal and the University of Porto to complete their Academic training. U. Porto beats all records regarding the number of foreign students, in the context of international mobility programmes or to undergo complete graduate programmes.

Peter Murphy takes the stage at Hard Club in Porto on 16 November

Peter Murphy will be back in Portugal with bass player David J, John Andrews and Mark Slutky, to celebrate 40 years of Bauhaus, the band that ended in 2008. The English singer and musician, Peter Murphy will go on stage in Porto, on 16 November at Hard Club, at 9.30 pm.

Bolhão Temporary Market features showcooking on the first Saturday of every month

Bolhão Temporary Market features showcooking events on the first Saturday of every month. The first professional cook to make anyone's mouth water is Pedro Lemos, on 6 October. The renowned chef and the first honoured with a Michelin Star of the city of Porto in 2014, Chef Pedro Lemos is also the first to welcome visitors to the initiative "Chef no Bolhão".

Praia Internacional hosts surf events in October

If you are on the lookout for surf excitement, why not head up to Porto & Matosinhos Wave Series, at Praia Internacional, with four competitions scheduled for 5 October. The CA Open & Masters Cup kicks off the surf event, followed by three other competitions for this month of October.