News Porto.

Let’s get physical, with UPFit Challenge

The University of Porto launches the UPFit Challenge, starting on 15th March, with the goal of promoting physical exercise. This is “a unique challenge”, as stated by the organisation. Participants also get the opportunity to win awards. Apply today. Let’s move!

Open season: Portugal Fashion catwalk shows take to the digital platform from Porto

Portugal Fashion is back in Porto, between 18th and 20th March, where the catwalk will take to digital platforms. From Porto Customs to audiences worldwide, “The Sofa Edition” offers what is next in Portuguese fashion.

HIV/AIDS testing free of cost in Porto: both mobile and stationary units also run this March

This March, the CAD VIH/SIDA Porto (Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/SIDA do Porto), which is the Counselling Centre for the earlier HIV/AIDS diagnosis, carries out HIV/AIDS screening actions, within its mobile unit and in the stationary unit. Check the timetable here.

Camellias are a force of nature in Porto

This exotic botanical species can be enjoyed in many places throughout the city of Porto, including Porto Botanical Garden, Serralves Park, Gardens of Palácio de Cristal and Quinta Villar d'Allen. During lockdown, really one of the best ways to admire this queen flower is by watching the video that Porto City Hall Environment Department prepared for you.

INESC TEC is developing the TRUST- AI project, funded by the European Union

INESC TEC coordinates the European project TRUST-AI, with the purpose of explaining how AI works. The specific goal is to make AI more transparent and reliable.

Great evenings with the “Quarentena Cinéfila”! It will feel like going to the movies (almost!)

While health measures are in place, and cinema doors remain closed, it is still possible to connect movie theatres and audiences. Treat yourself a great evening with the film “Charlatan”, by Agnieszka Holland. The film is based in a true story and it is free, at Quarentena Cinéfila. Press play and enjoy!

Schools within the Porto Municipality network ensure meals and projects to suit children’s needs

There is a host service in place, in Porto, for those children with no support background in the household, as their parents are essential workers or cannot work from home. Keeping the quality of learning and teaching, even during the school remote system in place, owing to the pandemic, is a major priority of the Municipality of Porto. Currently, over 400 first graders benefit form a daily meal service; also, the educational programmes have been adjusted and adapted to the current needs.

Porto hosted the ecumenical ceremony for the President’s inauguration

The President of the Republic came back to Porto, as he had done five years before, to mark his inauguration ceremony. After being sworn in in Lisbon, he headed to Porto for an ecumenical ceremony, where he was welcomed by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira. This is the President’s second mandate and the ceremony was attended by representatives of several religious beliefs. “I am filled with pride, because Porto is a city of tolerance”, affirmed Rui Moreira.

MHNC-UP is tracking down the history of Covid-19 to pass it on to the future generation

The Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) is gathering materials and objects to tell the story of Covid-19 to future generations. Masks, ventilators, 3D printed face shields, research methods and results; these are but some of the features to be included in the “History of Covid-19”. The next step is to tell the story to the community.

Artists' impressions are painted on the walls! A guided tour by Porto.

These artists from Porto use their skills to create a unique and fascinating street landscape, one that is lovely to watch. Here is a glimpse of that street work, with the prospect of an in-person visit when lockdown measures thus allow it. Rafi die Erste and Godmess honour personal storytelling or the mule pannier, aka the water baskets, which is a folk tradition for carrying the pitchers by mule to fetch water.