News Porto.

Via Verde City Planner is your newest best friend to avoiding traffic in Porto

The Via Verde (literally "Green Lane"), which is an electronic toll collection system applied to all toll roads and bridges in Portugal since April 1991, and which is operated by multiple operators, the main being Brisa - Auto-estradas de Portugal, has launched a new app in the city of Porto which offers live traffic reports to help solve congestion problems within the city.

This museum exhibition in Serralves has the works and the films

The work of Pedro Costa will be on show at the Serralves Museum from 19 October till 27 January. Visitor's imagination will be fuelled by the oeuvre of Pedro Costa, as it combines other artworks, namely sculpture by Rui Chafes, photography by Paulo Nozolino and filmmaking by Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub and Chantal Akerman.

Tim Ingold lectures on anthropology, art and a sustainable world in Porto

Tim Ingold, Emeritus professor and Anthropologist of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, will deliver a lecture at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, located at Carlos Alberto Square, at 2.30 pm. The lecture is titled "Art and Anthropology for a Sustainable World". This event is entrance free, subject to room capacity.

Free tour at Museu Romântico offers a great time with friends and family

A stunning museum to visit in the city of Porto is the Museu Romântico. Visitors can enjoy a free tour to the exhibition "Vivências quotidianas". This event is held in the framework of the Year of European Cultural Heritage and allows an amazing experience on how people lived in the end of the eighteenth century. The free tour is scheduled for Friday, 19 October, at 3 pm. The exhibit is entrance free but requires previous registration.

Porto Metro Network makes deaf travel friendlier with Avatar

Aliados Metro Station is equipped with a sign automatic two-way language translator on the floor -1, as of this Thursday, 18 October. It encompasses an interactive giant screen, which can operate in six languages and whose fundamental mission is to support deaf users regarding Metro Network FAQ.

Alternative Market in Porto offers crafts, art, food and dance

The Alternative Market in Porto offers visitors handicraft, arts, food and dance and it will be held between 18 and 21 October at the São Bento Train Station (next to Madeira Street). The Alternative market runs from 10 am till 10 pm. Entrance is free.

The eastern part of Porto is lively and thriving

Bonfim, in the eastern part of Porto is lively and thriving. This is not a new phenomenon, but today it has many new aspects and features. There are artist's studios, new cafés, galleries and author's kitchen restaurants, and even Halloween is starting to be a local celebration. The community is involved in this dynamic and Bonfim still is that place where everyone knows each other's name, so to speak.

35 fashion shows run the catwalk of Portugal Fashion starting today till Saturday at Porto Customs

Portugal Fashion, one of the most important fashion events in the industry, starts today and runs till 20 October. Fashion designers, brands and "houses" display their collections for the coming season to buyers and the media.

Porto made a commitment to mitigate climate change

Porto is committed to mitigate climate change and the city will subscribe to the Covenant of Mayors Pledge to Climate and Energy, launched by the European Union. On the city's own initiative, Porto raises the CO2 reduction target to 50 percent till 2030, for a more decarbonized city where citizens are granted access to a safe, sustainable and renewable energy.

Luca Guadagnino speaks at the Forum of the Future in Porto this November

Luca Guadagnino will be in the city of Porto, Portugal, for the Forum of The Future, which runs from 4 to 10 November. The filmmaker will be in Porto on the first day of the event to talk about the role of desire in his work, at the Grande Auditorium of Rivoli Theatre. Entrance free.