News Porto.

The Forum of the Future welcomes Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood, a Canadian multi awarded poet, novelist, writer, literary critic, essayist, inventor, teacher and environmental activist will be at the Forum of the Future, in the city of Porto, from 4 to 10 November. The writer will talk about the importance of mythology in her work, encompassing topics such as gender, identity, language and social order.

Porto leads as best practice in Heritage preservation

The international project lead by Porto, AtlaS-WH, was selected by the European Union as a landmark reference regarding Heritage and Patrimony preservation and protection. This selection is available online, in an e-book presented in Brussels.

"Too Close" tonight at the Faculty of Engineering

The vocal group "Jogo de Damas" launches its newest work "Too Close" this evening at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP). The concerts is scheduled for 9.30 pm. Entrance is free.

Porto will be the world capital of computer programming in 2019

The International Collegiate Programming Contest is the largest and the oldest IT programming competition in the world, and it will gather 1500 IT students in Porto, from 31 March to 4 April 2019.

Student from Porto University is granted prize to pursue investigation on pain

A student from Porto University was awarded a grant to pursue the investigation on pain. The Young Researchers Grant on Pain is awarded to projects that study the pain of neuropathic origin, funded by the Grünenthal Foundation.

City Museum offers a free ride to discovering different cultures

The House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio collection features abundant and eclectic artwork and objects from different latitudes, namely, furniture, jewellery, weapons, flower vases, just to mention a few.

Daniel "Dany" Cavanagh performs in Porto on 13 December at the Hard Club

The new solo album Monochrome by Daniel Cavanagh, Anathema's pioneering songwriter, is out now and Daniel "Dany" Cavanagh will present it in Porto on 13 December, at the Hard Club.

The Forum of the Future debates ancient versus contemporary thinking

The Forum of the Future is held this year from 4 to 10 November, featuring over 50 guests from 17 countries. Among invited speakers are Lebanese artist Ali Cherri and Russian activist Nadya Tolonnikova, Pussy Riot leader. All events are participation free.

Porto is a magnet for investment

"Porto is a magnet for investment", said Ricardo Valente, Porto City Hall Councillor for Economy, Tourism and Trade, during the Meet Up event, on 25 September, organised by Iberian Property at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, in Porto.

Paulo Cunha e Silva will be honoured by the University of Porto throughout 2019

Former Councillor for Culture at Porto City Hall, under the Executive of Mayor Rui Moreira, Paulo Cunha e Silva, will be honoured by the University of Porto (U. Porto), throughout 2019. Paulo Cunha e Silva has forever changed the way people in Porto feel and think culture.