News Porto.

Fridays and Saturdays offer nonstop metro in Porto

Each Friday in Porto, the 5th MOVE Porto Metro 24H provides nonstop metro service every Friday and Saturday. Revellers can enjoy Porto by night without cutting their outings short in the Invicta as MOVE ensures safety, mobility and comfort in the context of nightlife transport availability.

We say Porto PianoFest, Stars of American Ballet and Casa da Música, the rest you have to read

Porto PianoFest opening concert, on 30th July, offers contemporary dance, piano and violin performances, by Stars of American Ballet - performing in Portugal for the first time - and pianist Nuno Marques. The festival runs till 5th August.

SYP Congress is in Porto till 29th July

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) hosts the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress, till 29th July. The main objectives of this congress are debating soft skills development and technologies in a multicultural setting.

Celebrating cultural diversity in Porto with the International Folk Festival

Italy, Mexico, Spain, Russia, Georgia, France, Slovakia and Portugal are the countries taking part in the International Folklore Festival, which began last weekend and runs till 29 July, in the city of Porto. More than 250 participants will showcase the heritage and culture of eight countries, with performances throughout town, namely Trindade Metro Station, Quinta de São Romão, the Social Centre of Sé, the Garden of Arca d'Água or the Gomes Teixeira Square.

Future stars of the Qatari swimming team checked in FADEUP for a check-up visit

A team of six young swimmers from Qatar recently visited the Sports Faculty of the University of Porto (FADEUP), under a partnership between the Biomechanics Lab of Porto (LABIOMEP-UP) and the Qatar Swimming Association.

Align yourself for the Total Eclipse of the Moon at Quinta do Covelo

Porto Planetarium - The Living Science Centre and the Astrophysics Institute and Space Science promote a regular observation of the Eclipse of the Moon and Mars at opposition, on 27th July at Quinta do Covelo. This session will take place at the Environmental Education Centre of Quinta do Covelo.

Philharmonic Bands at Casa da Música with bells on this weekend

Philharmonic bands are an essential part of the "Verão é na Casa" [summer is in Casa da Música] programme. This weekend, there are Philharmonic Bands at Casa da Música, featuring groups from different regions in the country, on 28th July.

Porto hosts the Next Generation Internet Forum in September

Technology specialists, government agents, activists and researchers will gather at the Customs Building in Porto, on 13th September, in the context of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Forum.

Doctoral thesis of the University of Porto was elected the best in Europe

The doctoral thesis by Margarida Carvalho, former PhD student in Political Sciences at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) and researcher at INESC TEC, was recognised by the EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award as the best in Europe, in the field of operational research.

Steven Holl delivers a lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University on 25th July

American architect Steven Holl will deliver a lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University (FAUP) on 25th July at 7 pm, in the Faculty's outdoor patio. Holl is considered one of the greatest and most innovative architects of our time and will deliver a talk in Porto in the framework of the 6th edition of the Summer School Porto Academy 2018, promoted by the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University (FAUP).