News Porto.

Here be dragons, by Porto Design Biennale 2021

The issues on the table are as simple as these: how to redesign a city that is inclusive that engages those who most need to feel included? The answer was provided by the project “Here be Dragons”, by the Zuloark + Colectivo Warehouse, who summoned a group of eleven people of the Association “Somos Nós” and of the “Associação dos Amigos das Deficiências Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais (AADID), associations that work with people with intellectual disabilities, to rethink the city.

Project developed with Porto school community shortlisted by UNESCO

The programme targeted at school audiences “Wish you were here!”, established in the scope of the international project AtlaS.WH – World heritage in the Atlantic area: Sustainability of World heritage Sites, of which Porto is the head city and also includes the cities of Santiago de Compostela, Bordeaux, Florence and Edinburgh, was selected to be submitted to the 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee, which will take place in Fuzhou, China, on 16 July.

Stunning three-of-a kind murals to celebrate Urban Art and sustainability at the Parque das Águas

Joy-inducing murals will brighten the Parque das Águas in the Jardim Nova Sintra, in Porto. The coming months will see three installations by artists from Porto taking the place of plain walls. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of water, energy and biodiversity.

The three of the best: the winners of the São João Window Competition 2021 have been disclosed

The winners of the Best São João Window Competition 2021 have been disclosed. This contest is promoted by Porto City Hall, in partnership with the Porto Traders Association (Associação de Comerciantes do Porto), and the initiative’s main goal is to find out which shop windows best celebrate the São João Feast, a deeply rooted tradition in the Invicta. There are three awarded windows: first podium place wins a prize Money of 2.250 euros, the second gets 1.750 and the third receives 1.250 euros.

Environment education: the killer differences between bees and wasps

This episode of “De binóculos no sofá” by the environment team of Porto City Hall teaches how to prompt warning on the Asian hornet, also known as the Asian predatory wasp, as it raises concern as an invasive species in our country., namely in the ecosystem.

This is good news: the cycle Quintas de Leitura resumes the in-person format today

It’s been 20 years that the poetic initiative Quintas de Leitura marks its comeback to the in-person format, with a session at the auditorium of Porto Municipal Theatre, Campo Alegre, at 7.30 pm. Tickets purchased for the postponed session last January are valid.

Local Government rose to the challenge of fighting the pandemic and forged a vital relationship with public health teams

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto (ISPUP), representatives of the six districts of the Region of the Greater porto, which was held on 14 July, gathered at the Noble Hall of the Rectory of the U.Porto to debate the “Local Power and Public Health”. In addition to handling the pandemic, all local representatives were tuned in the same issue: the vigour of scientific knowledge when drafting public policies.

Thousands of families save over 300 euros a year because of the free Andante for 13 to 18 years old

The extension of the free of charge “Andante 13-18” intermodal transport ticket in Porto benefitted, last year, 4700 young people. The subscription renewal, which combines the non-chargeable principle to the benefits of the Porto. card, is ongoing until 31 August.

Rehabilitated Águas e Energia do Porto lab offers optimum conditions to handle water in Porto

The renovation of the laboratory of the Águas e Energia do Porto is now completed. The facilities are now equipped with state of the art technologies, and the capacity to assess the quality of the water has been enhanced, thus ensuring that tap water in Porto meets both quality and safety requirements.

Taxis make circa two hundred runs every day to Covid-19 vaccination sites in Porto

The Municipality of Porto and the Taxi operators in the city have signed a cooperation agreement to transport people to and from vaccination centres, namely the Health Centres in the Western and Eastern part of the city. The service is available as of 9 March and it enables to travel to vaccination sites by taxi ride at two euros per one-way trip, and round-trips at 4 euros. This measure had already been announced by Mayor Rui Moreira on 22nd February, during the Municipal Executive meeting.