News Porto.

University of Porto honours Siza Vieira

Álvaro Siza Vieira was awarded the Medal of Merit of Porto University. The Portuguese architect, internationally recognised and one of the largest global references of Porto Architecture is the third entity to receive this elevated distinction, by the "genius of his architectural oeuvre".

Firework spectacle to celebrate the Patron Saint of Porto

At the stroke of midnight, on Saint John's celebrations, 24th July, a spectacular firework will mark one of the highlights of this ancient festivity, which dates back to the city's foundation.

Evening Race in the Park to visit the wild wild West

The last Sunday of July, 28th June, Porto City Park will be filled with Indians and cowboys, and sheriffs and outlaws. Even the bounty hunters and taverns keepers will be present.

Trengo Circus Festival offers outdoor performances and goes on stage at Rivoli as well

Trengo - Porto Circus Festival is back as of 30th June and offers performances at Paulo Vallada Garden, the Covelo Park and the Rivoli. This is the third edition of this event, which will run from 30th June till 8th July and presents 16 national and international shows and talks with artists. The festival keeps its distinctive feature: the strong bet on national contemporary circus production through support programmes.

Students from various countries learn from Porto's policy basis on public housing

A delegation of students of the prestigious Bartlett School of Planning, from University College London, was in town for an "in situ" acknowledgement on how is Porto managing public housing, under the authority of the municipality.

Sleeping Beauty sleeps at Rivoli, on 21 and 22 June

The small auditorium at Rivoli presents the performance "Sleeping Beauty", in the context of Fitei 2018, on 21 and 22 June, starting at 7 pm. Diana de Sousa, actress, stage director and writer, build a show that features different interpretations of the classical and typically feminine fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty".

The BMW Group chooses Porto to reach the next milestone: the car of the future

The BMW group, reputed German trend setter and world class automobile engineering has chosen Porto to reach its next milestone: building the car of the future. This undertaking will rely on the partnership of the Portuguese Company Critical Software, who will jointly develop and produce in the city of Porto a pioneer software that will be used in the BMW automobile fleet.

The night of 22nd June offers traditional parade in Avenida dos Aliados

Save this date in your agenda: the 22nd June, the city celebrates the patron saint - São João- with the traditional dancing and singing parade, the "rusgas", in which each city parish dresses in a traditional costume and performs folklore dancing.

Porto City Hall acts in the field of Mental Health in the workplace

Porto City Hall provides its staff with training regarding mental health in the workplace. The specific training, themed "Ouvir o que não é dito, Primeiros Socorros em Saúde Mental" [Make the unspoken heard, First Aid in Mental Health - free translation], started today and it will last the entire week, in a total of 18 hours. This initiative is jointly organised with Time to Change Campaign and Mental Health First Aid England.

School of Arts celebrates the art form of cinema with the community

The School of Arts of Porto Catholic University sets off as of today a public programme on the art of film. Thus, the Porto Summer School on Cinematic Art runs for a week and features a group of six artists - Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Salomé Lamas, João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata, João Salaviza and Filipa César.