News Porto.

"A Field after the Harvest" by Alberto Carneiro to enjoy at Culturgest

The installation "A Field after the Harvest for Our Body's Aesthetic Delight", from 1973-1976, by Alberto Carneiro is recreated in the exhibition space of Culturgest through the rigorous and careful organisation of elements from the cycle of nature, made of natural rye and straw.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Porto

The "Key 2 Inclusion" project will bring together 32 students of different nationalities in the context of Erasmus+ - Juventude em Ação Programme [Youth in Action]. The meeting takes place in the city of Porto from 25 July to 2 August, in the Youth Hostel of Porto to develop the "Key 2 Inclusion" Project.

Porto Open brings together the best national players

Porto Tennis Club (CT Porto) plays host to Porto Open. The tournament commences on 29 July and concludes on 6 August. The 2017 tournament is the 18th edition and it brings together the best current Portuguese tennis players. The matches will be played on clay courts.

Classical and vintage motorcycles parade through Porto Sunday

The 8th edition of this two-wheeled classic vehicles takes over town Sunday, parading through Porto's streets, from Aliados to the river shore.

Porto is pioneer in Integrated Emergency Management at national and international level

Porto is pioneer in Integrated Emergency Management Certification at national level and one of the first cities worldwide to receive these credentials that represent expertise in the fields of Protection and Relief, Municipal Security and Civil Protection.

Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation

The 2017 edition of Electronic Literature Organization presents conferences, a festival and exhibits under the theme "Electronic literature: affiliations, communities and translations", in such venues as Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, the São Bento da Vitória Monastery and espaço Maus Hábitos/Saco Azul in Passos Manuel.

Folk groups from eight different nationalities enliven the city

Starting 23 July, Sunday next, Porto plays host to the International Folk festival. About 250 participants from eight different nationalities will enliven the city. Numerous arenas through town will feature musical groups from Brazil, Cyprus, and Hungary and also from Poland, India, Czech Republic and Panama.

Sunset at Virtudes presents Above The Tree

The weekly programme Por do Sol at Virtudes [Sunset at Virtudes], features Italian Marco Bernacchia and his project "Above the Tree", at 7 pm, 21 July. "The Above The Tree" project features the sound of human body contact with instruments, such as scraping or slapping a guitar.

Pinning Porto and the Northern Region on the world Map of Talent

The Talent Map of Porto and North Region of Portugal shows the size of the regional talent pools in the following key areas: diversification of the economy towards digital transformation, human capital and skills, vocational and university training designed at the level of Porto macro-region.

"Design by Porto, Porto by Design" exhibition ends 23 July

"Design by Porto, Porto by Design: 4 years of design from Porto City Hall" ends on Sunday 23 August at Palácio dos Correios building. The exhibition features the transformation of the visual communication of the municipality translated into flyers, mupis, urban billboards and catalogues.