News Porto.

Book Market in Porto is selling books by the kilo and teaching Mandarin and English

The Book Market edition of 2018 will run from 1 to 18 March, featuring around 165 thousand titles, magazines, text books, comics, fiction books, cookery and travel books, and also antique books. The Book Market is organised by Calendário de Letras Publishing House. It is opened daily, between 10 am and 8 pm. Entrance is free.

"Porto." websites are more inclusive with Text-to-Speech technology

The news portal "Porto." now provides the talking version of its online text, with the added ReadSpeaker functionality. This Text-to-Speech technology not only allows people that suffer from reading disabilities, dyslexia, and visual impairment to access the news website but also assists non-native Portuguese users and people who choose not to read from screens or who don't have the chance to read.

Engravings, etchings and sculptures by Günter Grass on display in Porto

The House Museum Guerra Junqueiro opens the exhibition "Encontros" featuring visual art works by controversial German Nobel Prize winner for Literature Günter Grass (1927-2015), on 2 March.

The University of Porto sets up an application in Spanish for the treatment of respiratory disease

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) has announced the setting up of an application in Spanish used in the treatment of respiratory disease, an investment of 50 thousand euros. The application labelled INSPIRERS was developed at the FMUP, jointly with researchers from the Research Centre in Technologies and Health Services (CINTESIS).

Theatre and music to revive one of the greatest writers in Portuguese literature: Camilo Castelo Branco

The National theatre São João (TNSJ) will feature a cycle of theatre and music sessions devoted to one of the greatest writers in Portuguese Literature, Camilo Castelo Branco. His writing, which is centred in the local and the picturesque, is generally affiliated with the Romantic tradition. This cycle marks 193 years of Camilo Castelo Branco birth. It starts on 28 February and runs till 3 March.

Urban planning and green spaces in Porto

The city of Porto is committed to claim its share of green spaces and thus improve both human and environmental health. Expanding green roofs and Native Forests, covered with trees or indigenous shrubs, in public and private spaces, foster the network of urban gardens, and the construction of water courses, are some of the ongoing actions.

Loving Vincent at Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre

"Loving Vincent", by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, is on show at Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre with a daily display till 28 February, starting at 6.30 pm. The film is one of the first fully painted animated feature film, based on 130 works of this great Dutch painter and revolves around Vincent Van Gogh's life, his relationship with his brother Theo and the circumstances of his death. Van Gogh was shot in the stomach at close range; If it was a suicide attempt or not, it still remains a...

German company Devexperts sets up new operations centre in Porto

Porto was the chosen city to set up the new research and development centre of German company Devexperts. This company specializes in the development of highly complex software solutions and services for the Capital Markets industry. Devexperts is headquartered in Munich, Germany and it is estimated to create 80 jobs in Porto within the next two years.

Conference series brings to Porto the architecture of five continents

Architect Issa Diabaté, based in Côte d'Ivoire, opens the International Conference Cycle "Contemporary Architecture Contexts: 5 Continents", on 28 February. This is an initiative of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its duration will extend to the coming months.

Porto City Hall offers trees to residents towards a sustainable future

The 3rd edition of the "If you have a garden, we have a tree for you" programme, sponsored by Porto City Hall will run till 21 March. The main purpose of this initiative is to support citizens, companies and institutions in the city regarding the planting of trees and bushes in their gardens and patios.