News Porto.

Fantasporto Film Festival reveals the "Challenges of Modernity"

The 39th International Film Festival of Porto, aka Fantas, will be held from 22 February to 2 March, at Rivoli. This is its 39th edition of the city's festival and reveals the "Challenges of Modernity". The film festival features a pre-opening on 19th February with the showing of the restored version of the Indie film "Easy Rider", directed by Dennis Hopper and starred by Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper.

Discover the most extraordinary things in Porto Craft Market

There is no better way to end your week than by visiting the Crafts Market of Porto, at Parada Leitão Square, this Friday and Saturday, next to café Piolho and sided by the Rectory of the University of Porto.

Startup incubated at UPTEC authors rehabilitation project included in the 100 best houses in the world in 2018

Casa Heróis de África, the rehabilitation project by CREA, an architect studio in Porto, was selected by ArchDaily to enter the top 100 best houses in the world in 2018. CREA architect studios was incubated in UPTEC, in 2013 by André Camelo and Miguel Ribeiro, graduates from the Faculty of Architecture of the UP and Tânia Fernandes, Porto Business School alumna.

Save the date: Startup Grind Porto happens on 17 January

The second Google for Entrepreneurs meeting will be held in Porto on 17 January, at Critical Software's facilities. Startup Grind, which was founded in Silicon Valley, is the largest independent startup community, taking on the role of educating, inspiring, and connecting more than one million five hundred thousand entrepreneurs in over 125 countries.

Researchers of Porto University publish their work at Biological Reviews

The prestigious international magazine in the field of biological sciences, "Biological Reviews" has published an article on the work developed by the international team led by CIBIO-InBIO researchers, Sérgio Ávila, Carlos Melo, Ricardo Cordeiro and Lara Baptista, to convey the new information on biological research, namely climate change impact in marine biodiversity.

"To School Out of School" Pláka programme concludes third session next week

Pláka Collectives programme- "To School out of School" is back next week with the last session of the "To School Out of School" programme, from 14 to 19 January, at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão and the Palácio dos Correios.

Do you want to see how wolves howl?

The Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP) organised an exhibition of illustrations dedicated to the wolf, themed "Covil" [lair]. About 53 illustrations inspired on the wolf are on show at the Gallery of the Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, from 7 to 11 January.

UPTEC Startup is nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Prize

The startup Rosmaminho+Azevedo, which was incubated at UPTEC - Science and Technology Park at the University of Porto, was selected as finalist in the prestigious award Mies van der Rohe for Contemporary Architecture with the work developed at the Interpretative Centre of Vale do Tua.

The first Portuguese female astronaut is from Porto

Ana Pires, student at the Engineering School of the Porto Polytechnic Institute and researcher at INESC TEC is the first Portuguese woman to be granted the NASA's Astronaut-Scientist Diploma.

The Theatre of the Absurd presented at TeCA

The Carlos Alberto Theatre (TeCA) presents "À espera de Beckett ou Quaquaquaqua" by Jorge Louraço Figueira, who is inspired by Samuel Beckett Theatre genre, namely his play "Waiting for Godot", in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters.