
Major artwork on display at the FC Porto Museum

The FC Porto Museum reopened this past Monday, 1st June, which means that the Espaço João Espregueira Mendes (EJEM) resumed its activity and announced that the temporary exhibition "Cintilações: obras maiores do séc. XX português na coleção Ilídio Pinho" will be on display till the end of August.

Coliseu Porto Ageas is reopening with all the necessary safety measures

Coliseu Porto Ageas reopened its doors to the public early this week, after almost three months of lockdown, under the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and following all the guidelines issued by the DGS, namely reduced audiences for the scheduled shows.

The Municipal Gallery reopens with the first two exhibitions of 2020

"Masks" [Máscaras] and "Apesar de não estar, estou muito" are the first two exhibitions of this rather unusual 2020 (understatement!), on display at Porto Municipal Gallery.

Porto Municipal Theatre announced the selected artistic research projects under the "Reclaiming Time" programme

There are 11 artistic projects selected by the "Reclaiming Time - Artistic Research and Investigation", the initiative launched by Porto Municipal Theatre with the goal of boosting research work by artists residing or working in the parish of Porto, from different artistic fields.

Celebrate Children's Day at the Tram Museum in Porto! Yes, it is open as of today!

The Tramway Museum opens today, International Children's Day, with a new timetable. So, between 10am am and 1pm, and in the afternoon, between 2pm and 6pm. Mondays the facilities are closed, with the Museum opening in the afternoon, between 2pm and 6pm. The facilities were closed since March, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Clérigos, Exchange Palace and Misericórdia do Porto open doors on 30th May

Clérigos Tower, Museum and Church, the Church of the Misericórdia do Porto and the Stock Exchange Palace announced the reopening of facilities to the public, starting 30th May and following the necessary safety measures under the ongoing pandemic, namely cleanliness, sanitation and occupancy capacity.

Shuttle supports four new internationalisation projects

The support programme for artistic globalization Shuttle is to boost four new projects, which were approved by the Municipal Executive's last meeting, on 25th May. The projects were submitted till 20th March. The jury, composed of Miguel Leal, Fátima São Simão and Pedro Junqueira Maia, selected four projects, related to performing arts.

National Theatre São João opens doors in June and performances take to the stage in August

Cultural Programming is at a standstill since March, due to the ongoing pandemic; with the easing of the lockdown, the National Theatre São João (TNSJ), as well as its two poles, the Teatro Carlos Alberto (TeCA) and the Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória reopen on 1st June. Performances take to the stage in August.

Get closer to the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto on 1st June

After two months closed, due to the current coronavirus pandemic, the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) prepares to reopen doors to the public the first day of June. On 2nd June, the Biodiversity Gallery also opens doors.

Porto Municipal Theatre promotes "Quintas de Leitura" online

The "Quintas de Leitura", a programme devoted to poetry and the written word, is back on 21st May in an online format, streamed on Facebook TMP.