
There is a new song to celebrate Porto and Arnaldo Trindade wrote the lyrics. See how it goes

Porto is again celebrated by another song. Arnaldo Trindade, the founder of Orfeu, the iconic record label, wrote the lyrics of the song themed "Porto Cidade". The song's video clip features black and white images of the city. Betó Souza-Pinto is in charge of music composition.

MdC opens the imagination to celebrate International Day of Museums

As we celebrate International Day of Museums, a marathon session will kick off on social media - Facebook and Instagram - to signal sixteen museum stations, featuring their vocation, some particularities on the buildings, an object from a specific collection, a look at the inaugurated exhibitions, or even a corner of their gardens, where we open our imagination a little before we open doors. Join us!

Serralves opens doors to mark International Day of Museums and to open an exhibition

Fundação de Serralves opens doors today, 18th May, starting at 10am, to commemorate the International Day of Museums. This will also be the opportunity to officially open the exhibition by Lourdes Castro: A Vida é como ela é!", at 6pm.

TNSJ streams top of the list event: Macbeth is on stream on 15th May, at 10pm

"Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is presented at Teatro Nacional São João (TNJS) online, on 15th May. At 10pm. Direction, set and costume design by Nuno Carinhas.

Online special session takes poetry into your life to boost wellbeing

Porto Municipal Theatre, in collaboration with Quintas de Leitura, invites to a special online session devoted to poetry, on 21st May, starting at 10pm. Porto poetic cycle invites to "a luminous and simple exercise, by connecting our hearts and emotions online around Portuguese poetry and the values that sustain our actions; freedom, love and future".

Bombarda cultural entertainment is back in digital format this Saturday

While the current pandemic asks for restraining measures and prevents exhibitions from opening, street liveliness of Porto Arts quarter will be brought to everyone's homes, by municipal company Ágora, on a digital format.

Porto Municipal Gallery reopens on 2nd June with rescheduled exhibitions

Porto Municipal Gallery will reopen on 2nd June with "Masks", curated by João Laia and Valentinas Klimasauskas, and "Apesar de não estar, estou muito" by Diogo Jesus, curated by João Ribas.

Direct procurement to artists in Porto with the project "Aquisições"

The project "Aquisições", which reactivated the Municipal Art Collection in Porto, features the possibility to direct procurement of artwork by artists of Porto, up to the maximum value of 2.000 euros, between 14th and 27th May.

Porto Municipal Theatre announces research programme to the city's artists

Porto Municipal Theatre just launched a research programme for artists in the city of Porto, which envisages that circa 11 artists will be allocated 3 thousand euros, in the fields of dance, theatre, performance, contemporary circus, cross-sectional studies, writing and reflexion in the performing arts. Applications should be submitted till 18th May, at 6pm.

A book of 1940 and 1950s Porto by João Van Zeller

"Johnny Boy, Porto 40 & 50" is a book that Van Zeller describes "as depicting the Invicta in its unmatched dedication to work, to entrepreneurship and to the defence of its character". The book was launched online and shared on Youtube, with guests Rui Moreira and José Miguel Júdice.