
Serralves online offers Walk and Talk Experience

SOLE - WALK AND TALK IN SERRALVES is a series of video streaming of guided journeys to Serralves. Get to know exhibitions, the architectural and natural heritage of Serralves Foundation, and much more. The first series is the exhibition by Arthur Jafa, on show at the Serralves Museum and at Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira.

André Tentugal and Gisela João present black and white video of Porto to picture pandemic lockdown

"Transtorno" translates as upset or disorder, as confinement times are difficult times. This is the motto that has driven three Portuguese artists to create a black and white video to picture pandemic lockdown.

Porto Municipal Theatre celebrates International Dance Day with online performance on 29th April

Theatres have gone digital, these days, and Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) celebrates International Dance Day with "Brother", by Marco da Silva Ferreira. The broadcasting of the performance takes place on 29th April, at 9pm at

You are invited to know Porto Digital Library on World Book Day

Today is World Book Day and you are invited to know Porto Digital Library. Porto Municipal Libraries offer the most relevant documents of its collection through the BPMP Digit@l (Biblioteca Digital da Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto).

InResidence programme awards eight artistic residency grants

Get to know the eight artistic residency grants awarded by the 2020 edition of the InResidence programme awards eight artistic residency grants in Porto. The InResidence programme awards grants for the creation of artistic residency projects in non-municipal cultural spaces, whit funding values between 4 and 6 thousand euros. So far, seventeen artistic residency were supported by this programme.

Illustrated postcards connect you to Porto olden days and it is worth it!

The documentary collection "Porto. Illustrated Postcards of Porto Municipal Public Library - BPMP" is a project that invites everyone to know how the city of Porto was like in olden times. Discover vintage Porto!

Online films and talks at the Escola das Artes

The Escola das Artes of the Universidade Católica do Porto is keeping students and the community in touch with art and culture. Check all the activities here.

Casa da Música launches the first streaming channel to mark its 15th anniversary

Casa da Música launches a streaming channel to share concerts from its collection and to release a series of other initiatives, as well, starting today as it marks its 15th anniversary of being open to the public.

Porto Municipal Theatre is back in September, with the March and July shows

Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) is back this September, with the shows that were cancelled between March and July 2020, as all the cultural activity is on hold due to the current pandemic.

Porto Puppet Theatre takes us to Wonderland

Teatro de Marionetas do Porto - Puppet Theatre of Porto (TMP) brightens everyone's day with free online Stage performances. Today, the TMP presents the story "Wonderland", a popular story - Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - just this time, we are the ones who dream what Alice dreamt. Up for the adventure? We are too.